What Took So Long to Expose Berland?! Rabbi Y. M. Shechter Offers His Defense

We have written already about The TRUE Berland Scandal: Why Did Rabbis In the Know Delay Protesting So Long?!

An excerpt:

Without naming names, read this short work (next reworked into this) to see what I mean. Many, many rabbis and others knew what was happening, but they closed their eyes, allowed themselves to be intimidated into silence (or even being photographed with him!), gave ridiculous excuses (such as: “This is an internal Breslov affair” (?!), p. 15 here), and the like.

They themselves admit to knowing the facts for decades (even less justifiable than all the cases of rabbinic ignorance, such as Elior Chen), see here p. 32. Some excused him by just calling him “crazy”, see the last pages of this. Is every Rasha, then, literally crazy?!

In a class by Rabbi Yom Tov Cheshin (הרב יום טוב חשין שליט”א – סוד הזעקה הגואלת: here, at 3:27) he describes his whistleblowing meeting with Rabbi Shechter about Berland yemach shemo.

He records Rabbi Shechter as saying people feared for their lives, so they stayed silent but knew the truth about Berland 40 years ago.

I don’t know if this can be taken literally. Didn’t Rabbi Shechter actually meet with the Berland abomination in front of cameras? Was that, too, Pikuach Nefesh?! And why couldn’t any of the parties in the know ever start a “whispering campaign”, at least?!

Bottom line:
We have far too many irrelevant, sideline-sitting, comfort-craving, false “peace”-seeking, fight-no-evil, genteel “men of mild seasons”.


For an attempted defense, among other things, see here.

קול החינוך גליון 146#

יו”ל ע”י ‘ועד הורים’ – בהכוונת גדולי התורה שליט”א

[קול החינוך עוסק במלחמת מדינת ישראל בחינוך יהודי עצמאי.]

* למסירת מידע ומשלוח מסמכים בס”ד 03-691-5752, טלפקס: 6915752@okmail.co.il

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Reprinted with permission.

Can You EVER Trust the Establishment These Days?

People Notice When the Elites Lie

October 7, 2021

I’m going to try to explain what’s going on in America right now by drawing a connection between two news stories.  On the surface, they don’t seem to have much to do with each other, but when you really think about them, it’s obvious that there’s a common thread.

The first story comes from way back in November of 2018, when President Trump complained about an “Obama judge” on the Ninth Circuit ruling against his asylum policy.  Trump’s comments angered Chief Justice John Roberts of the Supreme Court, who gave a speech saying:

We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges.  What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them.  That independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for.

Trump responded by tweeting: “Sorry Chief Justice John Roberts, but you do indeed have ‘Obama judges,’ and they have a much different point of view than the people who are charged with the safety of our country….”

For the Deep State and its sympathizers, Roberts’s statement was a dignified and erudite defense of the institutions of liberal democracy, while Trump’s tweet was a crass attack on said institutions.

Ordinary Americans, who aren’t emotionally invested in keeping up the illusion that all is well on the banks of the Potomac, saw something different.  They saw John Roberts telling a lie and Donald Trump telling the truth.

Everybody knows that most of what the upper level of the judicial system does is politics by another name.  They know that most of the time, Obama judges, Trump judges, Bush judges, and Clinton judges rule differently on politically charged questions.  And a large portion of the American people decide whom to vote for in presidential elections based mainly on what kinds of judges they want the next president to appoint.

John Roberts has the audacity to tell these people that none of this is true and that all judges are really just doing their best to enforce the same laws in an impartial way.

And then, right after this creature of the Deep State (not even a Democrat, but a moderate Republican) has told his lie, Donald Trump does what most politicians won’t do (including Republicans) and tells the truth.

Over the next few years, when Trump’s base continues to believe Trump’s statements in preference to those of the media, the regulatory agencies, Anthony Fauci, the “moderates” in Congress, or whomever, the elite classes and the plutocrats and the mainstream press continue to act surprised, as if there were no reason for anybody to take Trump’s word over theirs about illegal immigration, or the origin of the coronavirus, or hydroxychloroquine, or election fraud.

Except there was a reason why the Deplorables listened to Trump instead of the mainstream voices.  It is that the mainstream voices have been lying to them for a long, long time, without even trying to be subtle.  Eventually, the Deplorables noticed, and they decided to trust someone else.

Continue reading…

From American Thinker, here.