‘Mass killings under communist regimes’ Article Too Truthful for Wikipedia…

“This article is being considered for deletion…

One editor notes drily on the Talk page:

It’s “controversial” only because so many Wikipedia editors are at least Communist-adjacent. Nobody seriously debates the correlation between Naziism and the Holocaust.

Bryan Caplan told Fox (back in February!) there is a clear pattern here:

The two main pages for “Socialism” and “Communism” span a massive 28,000 words, and yet they contain no discussion of the genocides committed by socialist and communist regimes, in which tens of millions of people were murdered and starved.

The Wikipedia socialism page also mentions China’s Communist history, but only begins its description in 1976, after Mao Zedong’s reign of terror had already killed tens of millions.

“After Mao Zedong’s death in 1976… China’s economic performance pulled an estimated 150 million peasants out of poverty,” the encyclopedia says.

The article fails to mention Mao’s prior communist programs such as his “Great Leap Forward”, in which private farming was abolished, leading to mass famine that killed tens of millions.

It also neglects to mention Mao’s “Cultural Revolution”, in which, according to the History Channel, “Millions of young radicals who formed the paramilitary Red Guards shut down schools, destroyed religious and cultural relics and killed intellectuals and party elites believed to be anti-revolutionaries.”

Wikipedia does maintain less central sub-pages that contain facts such as those, as well as a page titled “Mass killings under communist regimes.” But it gets no discussion on the main pages; merely a stray link at the very end under a “see also” heading.

Now, that article, too, may be axed.

Tip: Download it quick before it disappears!

Sanity Is Not Statistical



Why We Don’t Blow Trumpets In Distress Like the Torah Says – Iggros Moshe

DAF YOMI תענית י”ב ע”ב

רמב”ם הל’ תענית א- הל’ א’  מצות עשה מה”ת לזעוק ולהריע בחצוצרות
When we are גוזר תענית it is a Mitzvah min HaTorah to blow trumpets  & scream to Hashem.Poskim are having difficulties in understanding why today we do not blow trumpets on fast days we declare, being it is a מצות עשה דאורייתא to do so?

R. Moshe Feinstein Zt”l (אג”מ או”ח א’ : קס”ט) writes that since the Rambam counts in (ספר המצות (מ”ע נ”ט the Mitzvah of blowing trumpets during הקרבת הקרבן & when we are גוזר תענית, both, as one Mitzvah therefore it is מסתבר that the Torah requires us to use the same חצוצרות from the בית המקדש that are used for the קרבנות.

עיין באבי עזרי הל’ כלי המקדש פ”ג ה”ה

Joe ‘Let Them Eat Cake’ Biden

Biden Advises Americans Who Can’t Afford Gasoline to Buy an EV

Guest “Let them eat Cake” by Eric Worrall

Biden does not understand why people are finding rising gasoline prices such a struggle, when the obvious solution is to buy a $112,595 electric Hummer pickup.

Joe Biden Addresses High Gas Prices: Americans Can Save Money if They Buy Electric Cars


President Joe Biden promoted his efforts to lower gas prices on Tuesday, but he reminded Americans they would save more money on gas if they owned electric cars.

“For the hundreds of thousands of folks who bought one of those electric cars, they’re going to save $800 to $1000 in fuel costs this year,” Biden said, referring to the $112,595 electric Hummer pickup he test drove at a General Motors factory in Detroit earlier this month.

The president appeared frustrated that some Americans continue blaming his environmental agenda for higher gas prices, dismissing it as a “myth.”

“My effort to combat climate change is not raising the price of gas, what it’s doing is increasing the availability of jobs,” Biden insisted.

“Let’s do that. Let’s beat climate change. With more extensive innovation and opportunities,” Biden said, claiming the economy would be “less vulnerable to these kinds of price hikes” on fossil fuels.

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/11/23/joe-biden-addresses-high-gas-prices-americans-can-save-money-if-they-buy-electric-cars/

There is a minor problem Biden may have overlooked – people who are struggling to put food on the table or gas in their tank to get to work might not have a spare 100K. But I’m sure if Biden puts his financial genius son Hunter on the case, his administration will figure out a way to help alleviate the US people of the burden of gasoline powered transport.

From Watts Up With That, here.