Note to Anti-Zionists: Appeasement Often Brings WAR!

Peace Now actually brings war

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Nobel Prize winner Professor Auman said the following

The Arabs always said they have time, and that they can wait 10, 20 or 50 years until we disappear. But our problem is that we don’t have time; we’re rushing. We want ‘peace now,’ and so we go and destroy beautiful blossoming productive communities. We destroy the lives of tens of thousands of people on the altar of ‘we have to do something.’ The very act of running crazedly after the longed-for peace is precisely that which distances it from us.

Professor Auman knows what he is talking about as his Nobel Prize was for “enhancing our understanding of conflict and cooperation through game-theory analysis.”

Chiddushim Ubi’urim Against Zeman Rabbenu Tam

At the beginning of Pesachim, he asks how the Gemara knew “Day” couldn’t mean the time of light and “Night” the time of dark. He answers that after sunset and after sunrise have the same degree of light. Moreso, right after sunrise is even darker than Tzeis.