re: ArtScroll Shir Hashirim ‘Editing’ Rashi…

In reference to ArtScroll deceptively tampering with Rashi on Shir Hashirim, a loyal reader wishes to remind us of the ongoing, egregious censorship of the Rashbam, as exposed by Dr. Marc Shapiro here.

One excerpt:

…I have no doubt that according to halakhah [Orthodox Jewish law], anyone who demands a refund from ArtScroll is entitled to his money back, as what I will show you is nothing less than a betrayal not only of the reader, who paid good money to get what he thought was a complete mikraot gedolot chumash [Five Books of Moses with a group of accepted medieval rabbinic commentaries], but also of one of the greatest rishonim [medieval rabbis], [Rashi’s grandson,] R[abbi] Samuel ben Meir (Rashbam).

Soon after Rosh ha-Shanah 2014, ArtScroll released the first volume of its mikraot gedolot chumash. It is a beautifully typeset edition, completely punctuated. The response was so positive that within a month the volume was reprinted, and it would not be a surprise if the ArtScroll mikraot gedolot became the new standard.

One of the new elements of this edition is that Rashbam to Genesis chapter 1 is included, which is not the case with the old mikraot gedolot chumashim. (It is found in the Mossad ha-Rav Kook Torat Hayyim mikraot gedolot).…[T]he Rashbam’s commentary is taken from the Rosin edition (which is where the commentary to Gen. ch. 1 first appeared).

In his commentary to [Genesis] chapter 1 Rashbam advances the notion that according to the peshat [plain meaning] of the Torah, the day does not start in the evening, but in the morning. This is only one of many examples where Rashbam’s commentary explains biblical verses in accordance with the peshat, and in opposition to the [accepted] rabbinic understanding. He even states that according to the peshat the commandment of tefillin [phylacteries] in Exodus 13:9 is not to be understood literally. Of course, Rashbam put on tefillin, but in this case he was only explaining what he thought the peshat was. Similarly, he began Shabbat in the evening, not in the morning, but this did not stop him from offering a peshat that differed from the halakhah [Jewish law].

For some reason, ArtScroll finds this difficult to take, and therefore decided to delete all of Rashbam’s “problematic” comments regarding the beginning and end of the day. I repeat, since I know this will be hard for people to believe: ArtScroll omitted portions of Rashbam’s commentary from its mikraot gedolot.…

See the rest of it here…

’Never Believe Anything Until It’s Officially Denied!’

Why Americans No Longer Trust the Biden Administration

For libertarians – and even many non-libertarians – it’s not shocking to discover that a US Administration lies and deceives the electorate. For government on all levels, lying to the American people is as American as apple pie. Sometimes the liars are held to account for their deception, but most often they are not.

Watching these early months of the Biden Administration it’s hard not to think that lying, deceiving, and manipulation is rising to a whole new level.

Take “ending the endless war” in Afghanistan. President Biden was cheered for achieving what even Donald Trump could not deliver: an end to the pointless 20 year – and several trillion dollar – war in Afghanistan. By the 20th anniversary of 9/11, we were told, the war would be over.

The only people furious about this decision were the bombmakers at Raytheon and the rest of the military-industrial complex and the laptop warriors in the Beltway think tanks. It turns out, they really didn’t need to worry.

The US is not finally leaving the Afghan people alone to run their country as they see fit. Just this week, Gen. Frank McKenzie, head of US Central Command (CENTCOM) announced that the US is increasing – not ending – its airstrikes on Afghanistan. The US would be pulling regular military troops out of the country (though likely keeping CIA, Special Forces, and mercenaries on the ground), but it would continue to bomb Afghanistan using “over the horizon” facilities from the Persian Gulf.

I’m sure that makes Afghan victims of US bombs feel much better.

Then last week Biden announced an “end of the US combat mission” in Iraq by the end of the year. While we’ve heard that line before, still it seemed like good news. However, as usual, the devil was in the details. While the “mission” was over, the US troops would remain in-country in an “advisory role.” This is despite the fact that the Iraqi Parliament formally requested last year that US troops leave the country.

Biden has bombed anti-ISIS militias supported by the Iraqi government twice this year (so far).

The 900 US troops illegally occupying Syrian territory would also remain in-country, the Biden Administration announced last week.

Also, just over a week ago President Biden told us that if we got the vaccine we would not get Covid. Then a few days later his own CDC released data from a Massachusetts study showing that 78 percent of the people who caught Covid were fully vaccinated. Is it any wonder Americans have lost all faith in “the science” as it pours forth from the politicized “scientists” in charge of US public health institutions?

The US mainstream media has morphed into a de-facto arm of the Biden Administration, however, covering up for all of these lies and word-games and holding precisely no one in government accountable. So much for a free media acting as a check on government power.

In fact, any “enemy” country overseas with such a subservient press would be targeted for a State Department color revolution.

Governments lie. We understand that. It is the nature of politics and power. In the absence of independent institutions to hold government accountable, however, such lies become indistinguishable from facts, and soon “freedom” itself becomes slavery, as Orwell wrote. Let’s hope more of America wakes up soon.

From LRC, here.

ArtScroll Shir Hashirim ‘Editing’ Rashi…

Reading and Translating Shir Ha-Shirim

Thursday, April 21, 2011
How to reconcile the literal and allegorical readings of Shir Ha-Shirim (Song of Songs, henceforth SHS) was a problem that occupied our greatest exegetical minds.  Rashi, the greatest among them, is a prime and fascinating example.  Fortunately, in the introduction to his commentary on SHS — a text that should be required reading for any student of Jewish biblical exegesis — he spells out his methodology with great clarity.  From the unedited version of Rashi’s introduction, it will be obvious that his approach is a conscious hybrid of contextual, plain-sense interpretation and midrashic embellishment.

The introductory paragraphs to SHS in the ArtScroll Stone Chumash (pp. 1263ff.) quote at some length from Rashi’s introduction.  Even so, the citation is partial — Rashi’s words have been truncated.  In an apparent act of ideological censorship, the editor omitted the opening and most critical lines of the text.
Such editorial tampering is glaring and surprisingly brazen, considering that unedited versions of Rashi’s introduction are widely available to anyone with a basic Jewish home library or an internet browser.  The original text can be found in standard editions of Chumash Mikraot Gedolot, at the back of the Vayikra volume.
Here is my translation of the “missing” portion of Rashi’s introduction:

God has spoken once; twice have I heard it (Ps. 62:12):  A single verse of Scripture may bear multiple interpretations” (Sanhedrin 34a).  After all is said and done, no scriptural verse may be interpreted in a way that deviates completely from the simple, literal meaning.  While the prophets spoke allegorically, one must interpret their allegories according to the structure of the text and the sequence of the verses, one following the next . . . I have endeavored to preserve the literal meaning of the text and to interpret the verses in sequence.  I shall also cite the midrashim of our Sages, each one in its appropriate place . . .

Continue reading…

From Realia Judaica, here.