קונטרס ויאמינו בה’ ובמשה עבדו

להוכיח בטוב טעם ודעת בראיות ברורות ומוצקות כי הדברים המובאים בקונטרס
“ה’ אחד ושמו אחד” שהאמונה שיש בכח הצדיקים להשפיע שפע רוחני וגשמי
ולבטל גזירות ולכפר עוונות ולתקן נשמות ישראל על ידי תפילותיהם ומעשיהם
הטובים וזכויותיהם זהו עבודה זרה ח”ו, הם דברי סילוף ושקר, הבל הבלים אין
בהם ממש, והם נגד התורה ונגד כל הספרים הקדושים מכל החוגים והעדות.

כולל עשרות הוכחות ברורות מגמרות מדרשים ראשונים ואחרונים זוהר וכתבי
האריז”ל וספרי מוסר וחסידות.

וכן יבואר בו גודל כח הצדיקים ומעלת ההתקרבות אליהם

מהדורה שלישית עם הרבה הוספות חשובות

חשון התשפ”ב

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Reprinted with permission.

COVID Courage Is Contagious!

How We WON The Battle of The Covid Tests

I danced and won at the Street Battle of the Maskless Shabbat. My wife won the Battle of Supersol. Our whole family fought and won the Green Pass Battle at the Pool. September 30, 2021, we fought and won the three-front battle of the Covid Testing at the Schools and Kindergartens.

This battle was a crazy one, and it was the scariest one. It was the only one we announced our attack in advance. We were told that in order to send our kids to school and kindergarten, we would have to show them a negative Covid test, or our kids would not be allowed in. So we called both the principal and the kindergarten teacher, and we announced in advance that we were going to fight them. That we were not going to back down. We were going to send our children to the school and kindergarten they are registered for, without a Covid test, against the tyrannical mandates of the Israel Ministry of Health, and the next move is up to them.

If you do not understand why it is such a crime against humanity to require disease testing on healthy children in order to get into school, then stop reading this article. It is not aimed at you. I am only speaking to those who understand the importance and sanctity of human liberty and of the principle of innocence until proven guilty, and of the holiness of one’s ownership over his own God-given body. If you don’t get that, then you are not worth talking to, so leave.

For those who understand, let me put it simply. Last year it was forced “declarations of health” on a piece of paper. This year it’s Covid testing and nasal rape. Next year it’ll be forced injections for babies toddlers and children. We made a big mistake last year not fighting the health declarations. We just filled them out. That made this last battle that much harder. We still won, but it was not easy. Had we refused the health declarations, the path would have been much easier to winning this battle. But for those who do not fight nasal rape of children now, you are going to have a very hard time fighting forced “vaccinations”. But for us, I hope it will be easier, because now they know where we stand, and they know we know they are cowards and backed down.

Just like my kids are no longer bothered about masks because they refuse to wear them, all you have to do is win once and it gets easier.

First, let’s go into the completely asinine nature of the “mandatory Covid testing”. It is only once a week, and those that don’t go to school on the day it is required, do not have to submit one on any other day. So it is very easy to avoid, and it won’t prevent the spread of anything. We could have easily just not sent our kids on September 30 as so many parents refused, and rightly. But this was about taking a stand, and letting them know we will not submit nor will we run away anymore. Come get us, you empty cowards. You are all empty, none of you believe in what you are doing. As Worf said of the Borg, “The Borg have no honor nor courage. And that is our greatest advantage.” Hollow automaton obedient shells.

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From The Jewish Libertarian, here.

How Women Feel About Competition

As evidenced from a Mohammedan “Teshuvah” (via Wikipedia):
And if a man wants to take a concubine and his wife says to him “I will kill myself”, he is not prohibited [from doing so], because it is a lawful act, but if he abstains to save her grief, he will be rewarded, because of the hadith “Whoever sympathises with my community, God will sympathise with him.”
(A 17th-century Hanafi scholar, Imam Haskafi, writes in his jurisprudential work Al-Durr al-Mukhtar)

Rabbi Yitzchak Hutner zatzal & Eretz Yisrael

His attachment to Eretz Yisrael was very intense and he writes that there were many fundamentals that he understood only by virtue of having lived there. He once remarked that he could not understand the students who arrive in Eretz Yisrael and immediately enter a bais hamedrash. When he arrived he first traversed the entire land before he resumed his learning. 

Upon leaving Eretz Yisrael he wrote that he had not experienced suffering and therefore felt he had not yet possessed it. (Eretz Yisrael, Chazal say, is acquired through suffering.) However, he wrote that when he returns in future years he will suffer and only then will he acquire the land. His words proved to be prophetic. 

From an article in Jewish Action by Matis Greenblatt (Summer 5761/2001)