הבעל-מחלוקת הרב שך מנסה להתגונן מפני האשמות יהודי חו”ל

מתוך עיתון הפלס, מוסף “לקראת שבת” של פרשת תרומה ז’ באדר תשפ”א עמ’ 12:

כאשר נכנס אחד מעורכי העיתון ‘יתד’ דאז בשפה האנגלית למעונו של רבינו הגדול מרן הגרא”מ שך זצ”ל ושח לו כי בקרב יהודים אמריקניים המשתייכים לציבור החרדי נשמעת שוב ושוב הטענה כי אינם מוכנים לקרוא ולרכוש עיתון של “מחלוקת”, השיב לו מרן זצ”ל באירוניה: “תגיד להם כך – אני יודע היטב כי אצלכם באמריקה כולם “צדיקים”, כולם ממש “חפץ חיים’ס”… אבל מה לעשות, תאמר להם בשמי, שכאן ברחוב ראב”ד בבני ברק גר “רשע” אחד שסבור כי חובה להמשיך ולהשמיע את האמת”…

כמה הערות:

1. היה גם יהודי ת”ח מבני א”י שלא הבין את ה”אירוניה” בכך שהרב שך מגדיר את עצמו כ”רשע” ובעל מחלוקת. הנה חוברת “הבה נתבונן” שנכתב בהשראת הרב חיים גריינימן זצ”ל… (אגב, אין הודאת בעל דין גדולה יותר מאשר חוברת ה”תגובה” מאנשי הרב שך בשם “מזקנים אתבונן” – שעיקרו מסתכם בביקורת על נוסח מליצה יחידנית לא מוצלחת.)

2. האם הרב מרח’ ראב”ד מתכוין לדמות את דבריו להשגות הראב”ד על הרמב”ם? עיין הסברו של מחברנו אברהם רבקש בענין זה (אנגלית).

3. אם כבר הזכיר הרב שך את הח”ח, הח”ח זצ”ל דוקא שלח מכתב מחאה נגד הקנאים בירושלים, בעלי מחלוקת תדיריים בשם ה”אמת”. איני יודע אם זה לגמרי דומה או לא, עכ”פ המוציא עליו הראיה.

4. הן אמת, גם ליטאים בני חו”ל לא תמיד מצליחים לעמוד בסטנדרטים של עצמם, אבל לפחות יש להם סטנדרטים!

The Shidduch Photo Debate: The Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh Weighs In…

Poisonous Injections and Shidduch Résumés

I need to take a short break from fighting Amalek and the Erev Rav to share an Ohr HaChaim on this week’s parsha. Kedoshim 19:29 commands us as follows:

אל תחלל את בתך להזנותה ולא תזנה הארץ ומלאה הארץ זמה

Do not profane you daughter to lead her astray, so that the land should not be led astray and filled with sexual immorality

The Ohr HaChaim comments as follows:

אל תחלל את בתך וגו‘. פירוש יצו האל למי שיש לו בת שלא ינהג בה מנהג חולין להראותה לפני כל ולהתנאות לפניהם אלא כבודה בת מלך פנימהוהגם שיתכוין בה להנאת זיווגה כדי שיודע כי בת יפה ונעימה היא ותנשא להראוי להעל כל זה יצו האל כי חילול הוא לה והיוצא מזה הוא להזנותה לא להשיאה כי יבער בה אש הטבעי ותחלל כבודהולא זו בלבד אלא שתהיה סיבה להבעיר אש בלב רואה וחומד ותזנה הארץ ולבסוף ומלאה הארץ זימהונמצא עון כל הרשע תלוי בצוארווצא ולמד מה שפירשתי בפרשת אחרי מות בפסוק (יח בכמעשה ארץ מצרים שחוש הראות יגדיל החפץ בדבר ויבטל כח הרצון במניעה ויטהו אל חפץ המעשה רחמנא ליצלן

God commands us that one who has a daughter should not conduct her in a profane manner to display her before everyone and to beautify her before them, but “the glory of a princess is inward”. Even if he intends this for the sake of marrying her off, in order that it should be known that she is a beautiful girl and pleasant, so that she should be married to one who is worthy of her, despite this God commands us that this is a profanation of her, and what will come of this is to lead her astray, not to marry her off, for the natural fire will burn inside her and her honor will be profaned. Not only this, but this will cause the fire to burn inside the heart of those who see and desire her, and the land will be led astray, and in the end the land will be full of immorality. It will turn out that the sin of all the evil will hang from his neck…

I have been railing against “shidduch résumés” since they became a thing, which seems to be only since 2004. Before then the idea of singles’ pictures and personal information being peddled around like baseball cards would have been considered outrageous. But then some people started to do it, ostensibly because it was convenient and “saved time”, then more people started to do it, then it became a phenomenon, and now if someone doesn’t play along he’s the crazy one.

A girl (or her parents) is expected to share a picture to be forwarded around and ogled by strangers. A girl who doesn’t allow her picture to be ogled by strangers is told she will not get married. Not only must she share a picture, she must take a glamour shot, otherwise she will pale before those who do. (Increasingly the same is true for men, as two can play that game.)

It doesn’t matter that from the earliest age she was impressed with the supreme importance of tznius [modesty]. When social pressure enters the picture, tznius goes out the window, and she must be profaned for her own good, otherwise she will not have a chance to marry a “catch”. So the real lesson is not the importance of tznius, truly believing in God, or living according to principles even when faced with resistance, but that fitting in socially is what matters most.

The Ohr HaChaim explains that showcasing a girl’s beauty – even with the best of intentions, even for the sake of marrying her to someone suitable – profanes her, leads others astray, and leads to widespread immorality. This is a biblical prohibition. In light of this, the degrading practice of coercing singles to share pictures must be immediately ceased. It should go without saying that the common practice of both men and women displaying pictures of themselves on social media, to be ogled and admired for no greater purpose, certainly does not befit anyone who follows the Torah.

We are once again seeing the great evil of blindly following the social tide, even when we can rationalize that it is “for the greater good”. For the last two decades I have been urging the Jewish world to bring sanity and true Torah values back to shidduchim. Hopefully those who have ignored me will finally see that their mindset is the same mindset that leads people to inject themselves with poison and engage in other senseless acts of self-harm.

If you are single or the parent of a single, stop playing the game, even if people call you the usual names. If you really believe in God and the Torah, you need to prove it by doing the right thing even when it’s inconvenient and people disrespect you for it.

Stop asking for pictures. Stop sharing them. Break out of the madness, and help others do the same.


See https://chananyaweissman.com/articles.php for nearly 20 years’ worth of  articles about the shidduch world.  You can also show the love and buy my books on the subject, EndTheMadness Guide to the Shidduch World and How to Not Get Married: Break these rules and you have a chance.  Also check out my documentary and series of short films, The Shidduch Chronicles.

Corona ‘Science’ = Heavily Biased, Governmental, First-Order Thinking, Scientism

When “Follow the Science” During the Pandemic Meant Not Following the Science

Monday, April 12, 2021

During this pandemic, I can say that a few new pet peeves emerged. At the beginning, it was the phrase “stay home, stay safe.” There was another equally annoying mantra that became popular within the past year: “Follow the science.” Those who were advocating for lockdowns, mask mandates, and other closures and regulations used it to try to establish legitimacy.

“Follow the science” is a feel-good slogan. After all, who wouldn’t want to follow a seemingly objective, straightforward process of determining what is valid and what is not? At the very least, it works to delegitimize those who disagree with your viewpoint because “only an idiot wouldn’t believe in the science.” In practice, “follow the science” actually meant something entirely different from actually having scientific facts rationally inform policy decisions. Let’s take a look at a few major examples to see what I mean by this assertion, shall we?

Lockdowns. This ends up first on my list not only because of the onerous nature of the lockdowns, but also because there was no “following the science.” Prior to this pandemic, there was never a time in human history where we decided to isolate the healthy. That was the case for good reason. In September 2019, Johns Hopkins suggested that quarantine would be the least effective in controlling the spread (Johns Hopkins, p. 57). To make this point even stronger, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a report on non-pharmaceutical interventions in response to epidemics and pandemics. This report was written in October 2019, which was shortly before this pandemic began. Guess what their recommendation was for dealing with those who weren’t sick? Well, here it is:

“Home quarantine of exposed individuals to reduce transmission is not recommended because there is no obvious rationale for this measure, and there would be difficulties in implementing it (p. 16).” 

Putting healthy people in lockdown was not “following the science.” Quite the opposite! The WHO had a game plan in which it said that isolating the healthy was not recommended, and the world ignored it. Instead, we threw ourselves into what I would consider the largest social experiment in human history. There was no cost-benefit analysis done and no evidence base to support it. I expressed my concerns early on (see here and here), ranging from economic costs and non-COVID health costs to social unrest and global instability. We need to wait for the dust to settle because it will take years to find out the effects of what these lockdowns have had on society. Preliminarily, I could cite a study from Stanford University researchers showing that lockdowns were ineffective in slowing down the transmission of COVID (Bendavid et al., 2021). In any case, I’m willing to bet I will write on this topic multiple times in the future. I don’t know how that research will pan out (although I can take an educated guess), but I can safely state right now that the politicians implementing the lockdowns did anything but “follow the science.”

Travel and Immigration Restrictions. For months, multiple countries have either shut their borders completely to international travel or have been restrictive enough to significantly damage their economies. The theory is that because COVID is transmitted through people, anything that reduces the movement of people should help. How useful are such restrictions?

I covered Trump’s ineffective immigration ban executive order back in April 2020, but I want to keep this to travel restrictions generally. In April 2020, the Cato Institute released a policy brief on the topic of travel restrictions. At the beginning of the pandemic, influenza research would have been the most relevant for determining the efficacy of travel bans. As the Cato Institute shows, travel restrictions are only effective if they have not reached another country. At best, they only delay the spread of the disease for a few weeks, especially since stopping travel on a global level is unfeasible and unenforceable. The pre-COVID research showed that travel restrictions are unable to stop the spread of a given pandemic. This also seems to have been the case with COVID-19, as well (e.g., Chinazzi et al., 2020).

As University of Washington public health expert Nicole Errett points out, such targeted initiatives as domestic travel screening, patient monitoring, vaccine development, and general emergency readiness are more effective (and certainly more based in science) than travel bans. Essentially, any country that still has travel bans (which is almost all of them) are not following the science.

Cleaning Surfaces. I have seen countless people scrubbing and cleaning surfaces, whether at such places as the grocery store, the gym, or on an airplane, in the hopes that they won’t contract COVID-19 from touching a surface. According to the CDC’s primer on COVID and surface transmissions, the probability of getting COVID in response to touching a contaminated surface is less than 1 in 10,000. This, of course, assumes that the surface you are touching is indeed contaminated, which is to say that the odds of getting COVID from touching any given surface is even less likely.

Rutgers Professor Emanuel Goldman wrote an article in The Lancet about the exaggeration of fomites being a form of transmission of COVID. Professor Linsey Marr, who is an airborne viruses expert at Virginia Tech University, went as far as saying that “there’s really no evidence that anyone has ever gotten COVID-19 by touching a contaminated surface.”

Cleaning surfaces has its place, but it has been taken to an extreme, especially since COVID-19 transmission through surfaces is so rare. If I had to guess why so many people like doing in spite of the evidence showing its lack of effectiveness, it’s probably to appear socially conscientious or some other sense of self-gratification. I’m sure Lysol is happy to make money off of this irrational obsession, but it does add a cost for businesses, one that is unnecessary for stopping transmission of COVID. I wouldn’t be surprised if people in the future look at the obsession with cleaning surfaces the way we look at people back in the Middle Ages that tried to cure everything with leeches.

Social Distancing: How Much? This is one of the key questions in terms of preventing the transmission of a respiratory disease. For months, those in the United States have been told to keep six feet away, as if it were some proven or consistent rule.

Last month, the CDC had a press release outlining changes in operational procedure for primary and secondary schools. It changed its social distancing policy for schools from 6 feet to 3 feet because the CDC did not find any additional risk involved. You could argue that this could only apply to children, but it does bring some doubt as to the efficacy of more stringent social distancing rules.

Additionally, since the beginning of the pandemic, the WHO’s recommendation has been to keep 3 feet (1 meter) away from everyone, not 6 feet. If you want some nuance for the social distancing debate, look at the chart below from Massachussets Institute of Technology [MIT] researchers (Jones et al., 2020). In any case, what I can say is that there is no consistent and “determined rule” as to what is safe. Even asking the question of “what is safe” comes with some arbitrariness. If we all stayed isolated from one another, that would be safest. How much safer is six feet versus nine feet versus twenty feet? What is the marginal benefit from a few extra feet? With this much nuance, what does it really mean to “follow the science?”

Continue reading…

From Libertarian Jew, here.

לא רק ז’בוטינסקי קרא ליהודי חו”ל לחסל את הגלות

עורי צפון


הגאון הרב משה שמעון הופמן זצ”ל, מרבני בודפשט, כתב את הספר ‘עורי צפון’ בשנת ת”ש, בעיצומה של השואה אך טרם פלשו הגרמנים למדינת הונגריה ולעיר מגוריו בודפשט. בספרו הפציר ביהודי הונגריה לעלות לארץ ישראל, ועסק בהיבטים ההלכתיים של מצוות ישוב ארץ ישראל, ובהבהרת תהליכי הגאולה.

ארבע שנים עברו מאז כתב הרב הופמן את ספרו ‘עורי צפון’, בו קרא ליהודי הונגריה לעלות ארצה. בשנת תש”ד )4411 ,)פלש הצבא הגרמני להונגריה, ובתוך מספר חודשים נרצחו 455,401 מיהודי הונגריה, ובהם הרב הופמן ובניו, ורבים מבני קהילתו. ה’ יקום דמם.

במהלך השואה, אבדו כמעט כל העותקים מהספר ‘עורי צפון’, ורק עותקים בודדים שרדו. “מסיבה זו החיבור לא נודע לרבים, למרות חשיבותו התורנית וההיסטורית”, “05 שנה חלפו, ואני שמח לבשר כי היום יצא הספר לאור מחדש, במהדורה מאירת עיניים.

הרב הופמן היה ידידו של הרב יששכר שלמה טייכטל זצ”ל הי”ד, שחיבר שלוש שנים לאחר מכן את ספרו המפורסם ‘אם הבנים שמחה’. הייתה אז התעוררות גדולה בהונגריה לרעיון העליה לארץ והפרחתה, אלא שכבר היה מאוחר מדי.

הנה משפט אחד מיני רבים שכתב הרב הופמן בספרו בדבר חשיבות העליה לישראל: “מוטל עלינו החוב הקדוש, על כל אחד מבני הגולה, לאסוף כסף, כדי לקנות, ליסוד ולנטוע גנים ופרדסים ולבנות ישובים וכפרים, בעבור ישיבה וישוב ארץ ישראל שגם בזמן הזה הוא דאורייתא”.

אין ספק כי קריאתו של הרב הופמן ליהודי הגולה לעלות ארצה עדיין אקטואלית. הבירורים ההלכתיים וההשקפתיים על מעלת התתיישבות בארץ ישראל, המובאים בספר, יכולים לתרום לחיזוק אחיזתנו בארץ.

את הספר החדש ניתן לרכוש במייל: com.gmail@reiyyaa