SPEED Through Digital Text – With BETTER Comprehension!

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  • Make text easier to read on small screens.
  • Make reading as effortless as watching a video.
  • Read faster, by reading whole phrases at a time.
  • Speed through any text, with better comprehension.
  • Zoom your screen in or out to adjust the font size.
  • Use the auto-speed or click the next phrase button.

Continue on PhraseReader.com…

Disclaimer: I am just trying this out myself now, so no guarantees. But it’s free, so you may as well try it out…


Hadasim for PURIM!

A reader writes (links added):

I see you have posted about hadasim.

I”m surprised the gentleman from HaLulav hasn’t started marketing hadasim for Purim. A few years ago I invested in several dozen hadasim which I purchased from him and used to bedeck myself and my home on Purim.

Vayehi omein es Hadasah…

This should definitely become a new Purim minhag.