שיר – אין תפלתו של אדם נשמעת אא”כ משים נפשו בכפו

Assaf Harush – Kol Ma Sheaia | אסף הרוש – כל מה שהיה

Feb 24, 2019

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כל מה שהיה

מילים: אסף הרוש
לחן: אסף הרוש ומאור שושן
הפקה מוסיקלית : מאור שושן ואסף הרוש

וחושב, עליי מאין באתי
ולאן אני עתיד מכאן חזור

ושואל, נכון זה רק הגעתי
מתי אלך ואיפה אעצור

יש כל כך הרבה דברים עוד לבקש

יש לשמור חזק מאוד על מה שיש
מה שיש

ותגיד לי איך אוכל הפעם לעלות, להשתנות, לראות, לגדול ולאהוב
את כל מה שהיה

ותגיד לי איך אוכל הפעם לא לרעוד ולא לפחוד נכון,
אני יודע שבסוף זה לא יהיה לי קל, זה לא

וחושב, עליי לאן הגעתי
מכל מה שהספקתי לחלום

כל המקומות בהם עברתי
עשו אותי מי שאני היום

יש כל כך הרבה דברים עוד לבקש

יש, עוד להאמין במה שיש
מה שיש

ותגיד לי איך אוכל הפעם לעלות, להשתנות, לראות, לגדול ולאהוב
את כל מה שהיה

ותגיד לי איך אוכל הפעם לא לרעוד ולא לפחוד נכון,
אני יודע שבסוף זה לא יהיה לי קל, זה לא

ותגיד לי איך אוכל הפעם לא לרעוד, למצוא אמת,
לחשוב שיש עוד טעם בדברים,
זה לא יהיה לי קל, זה לא

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.

Yiras Shamayim: ‘If I Learn Something New, Then I Will Keep That Halacha’

CORONA: How Moshe Feiglin Lost Faith in the Medical Establishment

Feiglin: Those who listened to instructions are not healthier

Former MK says he has ‘completely lost faith in the health care system,’ calls on parents not to allow their children to receive COVID shot.

Yoni Kempinski , Jul 29 , 2021 6:06 PM

Former MK Moshe Feiglin on Monday spoke to Arutz Sheva about his views on COVID and the vaccine.

“About a year ago I became convinced that ‘Healthy Logic’ scientists were making sense, and they convinced me that the correct way to be protected against this virus is to protect the at-risk population, which is about 15-20%, and to release the rest. Later, I completely lost faith in the health care system.”

“I would like to draw attention to a simple fact: About 11,000 were diagnosed as of last week – 100 of them from the haredi and Arab populations. What do the haredim and Arabs have in common? They did not listen to instructions. They did not have more deaths in previous waves than the general population. Those are false data. The fatality rate was the same as that of the entire population. They got sicker, recovered and are now healthier. And whoever listened to the instructions is not healthier. I heard the director of Herzog Hospital say he is opening a second coronavirus ward, and all his patients are vaccinated. He doesn’t have unvaccinated inpatients. In the short term, side effects from the vaccine are being discovered, and we do not know what will happen in the long term,” Feiglin added.

He asked, “Why should a child who is not at any risk from the coronavirus have to get an injection from which he can develop myocarditis? And this is not the only side effect.”

In his opinion, the prime minister’s attack on those who choose not to receive the injection was wrong. “Bennett’s speech was disgraceful. To take a million people, who are concerned for their health, after scientists have said that those who do not get vaccinated do not endanger others in any way, and mark them as enemies of the people and say that because of them we cannot live our lives? Bennett has revealed his tyrannical nature and his fundamental lack of understanding about who here is the boss – the people or the manipulators who took power in the greatest act of deception that has ever taken place in the history of Israeli politics.”

“I know what it is to refuse an order, I do not know what it is to refuse a vaccine. I assessed and investigated and declined the vaccine, and thank G-d I am a healthy person,” Feiglin said.

“To all the parents who still face intense pressure to approve this injection for their children – please, for a trip abroad or temporary peace of mind, don’t endanger the health of your child with experimental material which we already know has serious side effects in the short term, and of which nobody knows what the long-term effects will be,” he concluded.

From Arutz Sheva, here.

למה זה בדר”כ קורה רק ב’כשרות’ הרבנות של המדינה

פרשת הטריפות בנהריה: הקונים צריכים הכשרת כלים

מפקח של הרבנות איתר נתחי כבש החשודים כטריפה באיטליז בצפון ששיווק את המוצרים הלא כשרים לכ-200 בתי עסק ברחבי הארץ. כעת הם והקונים יצטרכו שאלת רב על הכשרת הכליםחדשות סרוגים 01.08.21 15:48  כ”ג באב תשפא

פרשת הטריפות בנהריה: הקונים צריכים הכשרת כלים

  צילום: דוברות הרבנות

הונאת כשרות בנהריה, עלולה לגרום למאות בתי עסק וצרכנים פרטיים להכשרת כלים. מפקח של הרבנות איתר נתחי כבש החשודים כטריפה באיטליז בצפון והביא לחשיפת הונאת כשרות חמורה במפעל “הכהנים” בנהריה.

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר סרוגים, כאן.

The Scientific ‘Explanation’ of Divine Providence in the Land of Israel Is, Um, LUCK?!

The Calculation of a Miracle: The Persian Gulf War, 1991

 Harold Gans  July 11, 2021

On January 17, 1991, a coalition of armed forces from 34 countries led by the United States started operation Desert Storm to liberate recently-conquered Kuwait from Iraq. Iraq began its retaliation the next day. Over a period of several weeks, 39 modified Scud B (Al Hussein) missiles were fired at Israel, with 14 exploding in highly-populated residential areas of Tel Aviv and Haifa. (The remainder of the Scuds were either duds, or landed in the wilderness, in the Mediterranean, or were intercepted by U.S. Patriot anti-missile missiles.) Two Israelis were directly killed by these Scuds, and 11 were seriously injured.

In 1993, a scientific paper written by Fetter, Lewis, and Gronlund, entitled “Why Were Scud Casualties So Low?” was published in the prestigious British scientific journal Nature.[1] An expanded and more detailed version of the paper appeared a few months later.[2] The low casualty rate had attracted professional scientific interest. The paper uses a standard mathematical formula to predict the number of casualties expected in a missile attack. The formula is an extrapolation from past missile attacks and takes into account three parameters that modify the extrapolation: a) the size of the warhead, b) the population density, and c) whether there was warning of the attack.

The extrapolation used by the Fetter et al paper was based on casualty statistics from thousands of V1 and hundreds of V2 rocket attacks on London during World War II. The V1 “buzz bombs” gave warning of their approach, while the V2 rockets did not. On average in London, each V2 rocket caused about twice as many casualties as did a V1 rocket.

As a test of the accuracy of the extrapolation, the formula was first applied to the 125 modified Scud B missiles that exploded in Teheran, Iran between February 29, 1988 and April 4, 1988 during the “war of the cities” between Iran and Iraq. The Scuds gave no warning of their approach, so the extrapolation was based only on the casualty rates from the V2 rockets in London. Reports indicate that, on average, between 9.2 and 16 people in Teheran were killed per Scud. Taking into account the difference in warhead size between the V2 and the Scud, as well as the difference between the population density of London and Teheran, the formula predicts an average of 14.4 deaths per Scud in Teheran. This prediction is accurate, since 14.4 is between 9.2 and 16. Similarly, the predicted number of seriously injured per Scud in Teheran, 35.1, is close to the observed value of approximately 32 per Scud. The Fetter et al paper notes that the accuracy of the prediction is obtained in spite of the differences in construction between structures in London and Teheran. London homes are built with brick; buildings in Teheran are built with reinforced concrete, as are buildings in Tel Aviv and Haifa.

The Israel Anomaly

Having established that the extrapolation formula works well, and that the difference in construction between brick and reinforced concrete structures does not adversely affect the accuracy of the extrapolation, the Fetter et al paper applies the formula to the case of the Scud attacks on Tel Aviv and Haifa. The missiles used against Iran and Israel were the same. Noting that the Israelis had warning of incoming Scuds from shared American satellite tracking data, and accounting for differences in population density, the formula predicts that the 14 scuds that exploded in residential areas of Tel Aviv and Haifa should have resulted in a total of 21 deaths and 61 seriously injured.[3] This is significantly more than the two deaths and 11 serious injuries that occurred. The paper notes that the total number of casualties caused by all 14 Scud impacts in Israel is less than the average number of casualties caused by a single missile explosion in London or Teheran.”[4] How does one explain such an incredible discrepancy?

The Fetter et al papers offer several possible explanations.[5] First, there is the inaccuracy of the Scuds and the fact that some of them were duds. However, this has no relevance at all to the extrapolation, which is based solely on the number of actual explosions (14) in residential areas and not on the number of missiles launched (39).

The second possibility offered to explain the small number of casualties in Israel is that Israeli structures are made of reinforced concrete while the buildings in London are made of brick. This difference is, however, irrelevant since the extrapolation worked well for Teheran, where the buildings are constructed with reinforced concrete, just as in Tel Aviv and Haifa.[6] Furthermore, the number of residential buildings and apartments destroyed in Tel Aviv and Haifa was exactly as expected based on the London experience. The final answer given is sheer luck! The Israelis were just very lucky![7]

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From Where What When, here.