קריאה לחומר אודות ההתנתקות\הגירוש *ללא* תמונות נשים
‘No Man but a Blockhead Ever Wrote Except for Money’
Here’s what’s been popular on Hyehudi:
- דע מה שתשיב – ספר ‘ויואל משה’ השלם להדפסה
- קול החינוך Kol Hachinuch
- Here’s Shimshon’s Prayer for Vengeance
- Did You Know Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan’s ‘Living Torah’ Is Online?
- ‘Masechet Zoom’
- ספר ‘מענה לאגרות’ נגד שו”ת אגרות משה
- ספר שדי תפוחים – שני חלקים: אוצר תיקוני עוונות
- חנניה ווייסמאן Chananya Weissman
Enjoy them all!
Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Herzog
You know the story about Rabbi Kahaneman building Ponevezh, saying he may be dreaming but not sleeping? I found out his interlocutor was Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Herzog.
I think his name was left out of the stories because he is not respected in Charedi circles.
National Leadership Is Given, Not Grabbed!
So stop plotting!
Our forefathers were tested with sheep-herding and found worthy. Rabbi Bar Chaim explains that semicha will return to “natural elites” in a bottom-up process.
Kingship is originally granted to a person who demonstrates positive character (no bribes, peace, judgement). Today, on the other hand, political office is attained by a perverse “race to the bottom”; one who manages to deceive the largest number of voting blocs that he will fulfil their mutually-conflicting dreams (Arabs\Jews, Feminists\non-feminists, the envied\the envious, etc.) wins.