Pet Theory: How Individual YouTube Videos REALLY Become Unavailable

You follow the link to a promising lecture or videotaped evidence of some bombshell on YouTube, and get the following error:

Video unavailable

This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.

Now, I’m no YouTube expert, but I suspect more often things are backward.

If Google were honest, I suspect, they would say this:

Video terminated

In fact, this whole YouTube channel is no longer available because the video associated with it must be made unavailable. (Terminating only the one video arouses suspicion.)

(Tip: try searching for the exact video URL.)

Back-and-Forth: Why We Repost Sometimes

In response to bringing on Hyehudi, notably in Ron Unz: Reframe ‘Conspiracy Theories’ as ‘Media Criticism’!, I received the following email:
You do realize Ron Unz שר”י is a virulent Holocaust denier? Who thinks 9-11 was a Mossad job? Who has been criticized by fellow Holocaust denying Jew David Cole? Read their articles to see who you are dealing with.
Oh, and read Ron Unz’s article on the Jewish religion. See how many falsehoods you can spot. (search American Pravda Jewish religion you’ll find it)
I don’t endorse UNZ (neither man nor site), but I can’t find his goodies elsewhere.
To quote our About page:

Disclaimer: We include a range of articles thought to be edifying, but do not necessarily endorse the contents, the authors, or the websites linked. There is no substitute for effective internet filtering and personal discretion.

[UNZ] is a super sketchy source. I wouldn’t link to him at all. It undermines your credibility…

Perceptions are changing; mainstream sites can be sketchier in other ways.

I’ve cited worse, and I’ll take the risk.

נראה לי דלאו דוקא תיקון חצות, אלא כל דור לפי הענין

ספר ליקוטי מוהר”ן מהדורא קמא סימן ע”ט:
בטח בה’ ועשה טוב שכן ארץ ורעה אמונה (תהלים ל”ז). הנה הכלל, שצריך כל אדם לראות שמצדו לא יהיה עכוב משיחא, דהינו לעשות תשובה שלמה ולתקן מעשיו.
שם מהדורא בתרא סימן ס”ז:
והנה מה שעבר אין, כי כבר נשרף בית מקדשנו. אך כעת, שהשם יתברך מצפה לשוב אלינו ולחזר ולבנות בית מקדשנו, ראוי לנו שלא לעכב, חס ושלום, בנין בית המקדש, רק להשתדל בבנינו. על כן מאד צריך לזהר לקום בחצות, להיות מתאבל על חרבן בית המקדש, כי אולי בגלגול הראשון היה הוא הגורם שיחרב הבית המקדש, ואפלו אם לאו, אולי הוא מעכב עתה בנין בית המקדש, ונחשב גם כן כאלו הוא גרם להחריבו. על כן צריך לזהר מאד לקום בחצות, ולהיות מתאבל מאד על חרבן בית המקדש…
כמובן, זה עצמו כבר כתוב לפניו ב”ספרים הקדושים”.

Even Neturei Karta Don’t Say Kinos Every Week ANYMORE…

Quoting an 1881 account by Hugh Johnston via Elder of Ziyon:

A very touching and sadly suggestive scene is the wailing of the Jews when, from week to week,  these poor, despised, down-trodden people gather to sigh, and mourn , and sob over the ruins of their temple.
The Jews’ Wailing Place is a little quadrangular area, about one hundred feet long and thirty feet wide, an exposed part of the outer western wall of the Haram , between the gates of the Chain and of the Strangers. It is a fragment of the old wall of the Temple, as shown by the five courses of large bevelled stones, and here on Friday afternoons the Jews gather together to weep over the ruins of the Holy City, and mourn for their “ holy and beautiful house ” defiled by infidels. There are old Jews with black caps and dingy dress, sitting on the ground, reading out of old, greasy books ; and Jewesses, draped in their white izars, sitting in sorrow , their cheeks bathed in tears, or kissing passionately the stones which formed part of the foundations of the holy house. Unhappy ones, they can get no nearer the place of their fallen temple, for to cross the threshold of the sacred enclosure, on Mount Moriah, is instant death to a Jew.
There they are, engaged in their devotions ; some standing, some .sitting, some kneeling, others lying prostrate upon the ground. They read lamentation after lamentation : “ Be not wrath very sore, O Lord ; neither remember iniquity forever ; behold, see, we beseech thee, we are all thy people. Thy holy cities are a wilderness; Zion is a wilderness, Jerusalem a desolation. Our holy and our beautiful house, where our fathers praised thee, is burned up with fire, and all our pleasant  things are laid waste.” — Isa. lxiv. 9, 11. “O God, the heathen are come unto thine inheritance ; thy holy temple have they defiled ; they have laid Jerusalem on heaps. We are become a reproach to our neighbors, a scorn and derision to them that are around about us.” -Ps. lxxix . 1-4 .
The Brisker Rav was right; it’s really hard not to be Zionist these days!