בהר המוריה ניתן לראות זיו שכינה
מקור: כלי יקר בראשית י”ג י”ז
אבל הדרשה כשם שבא לראות כך בא ליראות, א”כ לכאו’ לא דק ור”ל בעזרה וכו’.
The Jews Are God’s Viceroy!
Sent in by a member of Gary North’s members-only subscription site (from September 19, 2017), emphasis mine:
There is no question in my mind about the most destructive Jew of modern times: Karl Marx. He and an apostate Lutheran created Communism, 1843-1883. Both were atheists.
There have also been articulate Jews who defended the free market. Jewish-atheist Walter Block offers a list of over fifty. It is here. It is possible to learn a lot of good economics by reading articles and books written by the Jews on Walter Block’s list. Block is by far the most published of all of them. He has written about 500 peer-reviewed economics articles over the years.
Dr. North here greatly undervalues the contribution of Jewish defenders of the free market!
And to footnote the obvious, here is another faithless Jew, who can still see the obvious, uncurious though he is about cause-and-effect, Dr. Yaron Brook:
“Jews lead every single intellectual movement on the planet, right, at least in the West, right, everything, right. From the Communists to the Holocaust deniers, is run by Jews, right.”
And back to North for the money quote:
At the meeting of followers of Ludwig von Mises at South Royalton, Vermont in 1974, Murray Rothbard said this at an informal get-together: “The fate of Western Civilization will be settled in the debate between our Jews and their Jews.” I think he had in mind Karl Marx, but he may have also included Paul Samuelson. I know I would have.
An aside, Gary North then notes something Milton Friedman told him and a few others in an informal meeting at the Philadelphia Society:
“For two thousand years, Jews have sought ways around the state. For a hundred years, Jews have looked to the state as a friend. I think the older tradition will prove to be dominant.”
Indeed, we mentioned a book which deals with this very history elsewhere on Hyehudi.org.
(Note: I assume short selections of copyrighted materials for commentary fall under Fair Use.)
What To Cry for on Tisha Be’av
Barely anyone even knows the name of Rabbi Yitzchak Brand, let alone his Torah.
Rumor has it Rabbi Brand was once almost quasi-banned for writing against the fictitious Mechiras Chametz. Then “they” (?) decided (in a shocking appearance of good judgment) this would only give a virtual unknown some dangerous publicity.
I can’t come up with anything more heartbreaking.
תיקוני עירובין גליון 290#
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