How To REALLY Read Halacha Seforim: Just Read the Main Text
Did you ever notice how Rabbi Shmuel Wosner is quoted by both opponents and supporters of women’s wigs? (And there are other examples.)
There’s a series called “Yeshuos Cohen” written by a Chazon Ish \ R’ Chaim Greineman follower on some of Shas. You can find it on HebrewBooks.
I once read the sefer’s chapters on the sugya of Peah Nochris (שבת, ליקוטים, מועד זרעים). On the one hand, he permitted using this head-“covering”. Yet, what choice did he have, given the community he associated himself with?!
So, I remarked to someone who knew the author, with such friends, who needed enemies. If one actually reads the analysis, one can tell where the author’s sympathies actually lie, that is to forbid.
And I heard back. When the author heard what I said, he laughed and agreed.