Our Jewish ‘Humor’ Reveals Far Too Much…
Judaism has mostly devolved into legalistic loopholes.
In Wikipedia’s page on “Jewish Humor”, the following mockery is presented as “in the tradition of the legal arguments of the Talmud, one prominent type of Jewish humor involves clever, often legalistic, solutions to Talmudic problems”:
Q: Is one permitted to ride in an airplane on the Sabbath?
A: Yes, as long as your seat belt remains fastened. In this case, it is considered that you are not riding, you are wearing the plane.
This isn’t just the outsiders’ take (per Berachos 17a, שכל טוב לכל עושיהם לעושים לא נאמר אלא לעושיהם לעושים לשמה ולא לעושים שלא לשמה); I heard this “joke” from many observant Jews, as well!
Who can blame a layman for thinking this way?!