מה כל הרעש על עדיפות המגזר הפרטי? – שו”ת
לכבוד השואל היקר,
במחילה מכבודכם, האם פעם נכנסתם לשרותים ציבוריים? האם הוא דומה לשרותים פרטיים?!
או שמא גבר הספק אם בתי כיסאות שלנו כמו בתי כסאי דפרסאי?
ודי בזה.
לכבוד השואל היקר,
במחילה מכבודכם, האם פעם נכנסתם לשרותים ציבוריים? האם הוא דומה לשרותים פרטיים?!
או שמא גבר הספק אם בתי כיסאות שלנו כמו בתי כסאי דפרסאי?
ודי בזה.
By Patrick Delaney
Lifesite News
April 8, 2021
LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. View it here.
AUSTIN, Texas, April 8, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — An exceedingly well-qualified physician, who was censored by YouTube last year, addressed the Texas State Senate Health and Human Service Committee last month providing thorough information on successful treatments of COVID-19, the present high-level of herd immunity from the disease, the very limited potential of “vaccines,” and the data that shows early treatment could have saved up to 85 percent of the “over 500,000 deaths in the United States.”
Dr. Peter McCullough, MD is an internist and cardiologist, along with being a professor of medicine at Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center. He is distinguished as the most published person in history in his field and an editor of two major medical journals.
McCullough explained that from the beginning of the pandemic, he refused to let his patients “languish at home with no treatment and then be hospitalized when it was too late,” which was the typical treatment protocol being discussed, promoted and offered across the west.
He thus “put together a team of doctors” to study “appropriately prescribed off-label use of conventional medicine” to treat the illness and they published their findings in the American Journal of Medicine.
“The interesting thing was, (that while) there were 50,000 papers in the peer-reviewed literature on COVID, not a single one told the doctor how to treat it,” he said. “When does that happen? I was absolutely stunned! And when this paper was published … it became … the most cited paper in basically all of medicine at that time the world.”
With the help of his daughter, Dr. McCullough recorded a YouTube video incorporating four slides from the “peer-reviewed paper published in one of the best medical journals in the world” discussing early treatments for COVID-19. The video quickly “went absolutely viral. And within about a week YouTube said ‘you violated the terms of the community’” and they pulled it down.
Due to the “near total block on any information of treatment to patients,” Sen. Bob Johnson hosted a November hearing on this important topic where McCullough was the lead witness.
With such an aggressive suppression of information on early treatments, and the default policy in COVID-19 testing centers to not offer any such resources to those who test positive for the infection, McCullough said, “No wonder we have had 45,000 deaths in Texas. The average person in Texas thinks there’s no treatment!”
And the blackout of such vital information goes well beyond the blatant censorship of big tech companies. McCullough said, “What has gone on has been beyond belief! How many of you have turned on a local news station, or a national cable news station, and ever gotten an update on treatment at home? How many of you have ever gotten a single word about what to do when you get handed the diagnosis of COVID-19? That is a complete and total failure at every level!”
From Lifesite News, here.
“Our Man in Jerusalem” p. 329-333 describes the short process. Yisroel Gellis asked Rabbi Shach about a bunch of names, and he told him who was in the “old boys’ club”, and who was out.
That simple.
Jewish Action published a book review on the response to Reform.
Most important is the often-ignored need for soul-searching in response to the Reformers’ success.
Here’s an excerpt:
Particularly interesting are the various comments of Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Chajes (“the Maharatz Chajes”—1805-1856). Like Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch,1 Rabbi Chajes boldly places some of the blame for the success of the early Reform movement at the feet of the Orthodox. The failure of the Orthodox leadership to grapple with the challenges of modernity led to disaffection for traditionalism among the youth.
In one incisive passage, Rabbi Chajes writes sarcastically of the low qualifications for rabbinic positions in Galicia. Students study a few select portions of Shulchan Aruch’s Orach Chaim and Yoreh Deah, and “this constitutes their entire course of study. If one of them has a smattering of proficiency in these areas, even if he does not know that David reigned after Saul, he will be recommended by the Rabbis as the most qualified candidate for even the most prestigious cities” (46). Rabbi Chajes berated those of his contemporaries who, in Dr. Bleich’s words, completely failed “to understand the spirit that animates contemporary society and the very real social, ideological, and intellectual problems with which their coreligionists were confronted,” and their failure to establish appropriate educational institutions (47). Although the twenty-first century has largely improved in rabbinical training programs, many men’s yeshivot continue to provide no instruction in Tanach outside of Chumash.2
(“Worldly“, as opposed to a “position” within the observant, non-profit\minimum-wage\”Yeshiva’she Ma’asros” world.)
Some true stories I know of (interpretation subjective, of course):
Case One: Avreich starts work at an engineering, blue-collar job. Refuses extra hours, to keep learning. Keeps Torah shiurim playing in one ear whenever possible (with permission). Avoids hearing the shop-talk, to avoid hearing dirty language. Doesn’t own a smartphone. Is not creative, proactive enough (read: “Rosh Gadol”), so he is “transferred” within the company to a difficult, menial position.
Case Two: ex-Avreich joins a white-collar, computer software company. Won’t join coworkers in the dining room per Rambam Sanhedrin end of chap. 22, נקיי הדעת שבירושלים… לא נכנסים לסעודה עד שידעו מי מיסב עמהן. Discovers he is forever out of the loop on work matters and decides to change his mindset and behavior.
Case Three: Similar to the first two cases (overheard).
So, what’s the lesson?
I don’t know, but we need an understanding of the real world in our analysis of these questions.