Corbett Report Corona Lockdown Episode: TRANSCRIPT

In 2006, a 15-year-old high school student from Albuquerque, New Mexico won third place in the Intel science and engineering fair for her project on slowing the spread of an infectious pathogen during a pandemic emergency. Using a computer simulation that she developed with the help of her father, she argued that in order to slow the spread of the disease, governments should implement school shutdowns, keep kids at home and enforce social distancing.

Incredibly, that third place high school science fair project can be tied directly to the lockdown policies being implemented by governments around the world today. You see, that father that she developed her computer simulation with was no average doting dad, but a senior researcher at Sandia National Laboratories who at that time was working on pandemic emergency response plans for the US Department of Homeland Security. His proposal to implement school shutdowns and, if need be, workplace shutdowns in the event of a pandemic emergency was developed at least in part in response to his daughter’s high school project.

Now those advocating for lockdowns have seen the destruction and death that those policies have wrought this year and we are living through that right now. Not only are people being deprived of their livelihoods and forced into grinding poverty as a direct result of these shutdowns, but now the undeniable truth is that if you are advocating for lockdowns, you are advocating for some portion of the population to be consigned to death.

This is no longer debatable. It is even openly admitted—although months too late by the World Health Organization.

DAVID NABARRO: I want to say it again: we in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as a primary means of control of this virus. [. . .] We may well have a doubling of world poverty by early next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition because children are not getting meals at school and their parents and poor families are not able to afford it.

This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe, actually. And so we really do appeal to all world leaders: stop using lockdown as your primary control method. Develop better systems for doing it. Work together and learn from each other. But remember, lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never, ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.

SOURCE: The Week in 60 Minutes #6

This is the point at which, no doubt, I’ll be expected to produce the data to back up the non-controversial observation that lockdowns kill, even though that data will do precisely nothing to penetrate the consciousness of those who have already decided that they occupy the moral high ground for advocating locking billions of people around the globe as prisoners inside their own homes. But persevere I will.

I’ll point, for example, to the letter signed by hundreds of doctors calling the lockdowns themselves a “mass casualty incident” and exhorting politicians to end the shutdowns.

I’ll point to the research that shows that thousands of people will die because of delays to cancer surgery treatments as a result of the medical shutdowns.

I’ll point to the research of the Well-Being Trust showing that 75,000 Americans are expected to die deaths of despair—including alcohol and drug misuse and suicide—this year alone as a result of the lockdowns.

I will point to the research of The Lancet showing that 265 million people are expected to be thrown into severe food insecurity as a result of these lockdowns.

I will even point to the research showing 125,000 children are expected to die from malnutrition as a result of these lockdowns.

But, as I say, none of these deaths will matter to those who have already decided that they are right and virtuous for advocating locking vast swathes of the human population inside their own homes to starve to death in the name of slowing the spread of a disease that even the epidemiologists who have been wrong about everything this year tell us will kill less than one percent of the infected.

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Wars Are Only Make Believe

I know Americans young and old haven’t the time to listen to the late Professor Antony C. Sutton’s 39-minute interview that runs counter to what has been taught in school about America, the land of the free.  Modern history schoolbooks portray the U.S. as a hero country that saved millions from despots that dominated foreign lands.

So, allow me to summarize what Dr. Sutton said a few years ago: US industry was behind the re-arming of Russia – -the “cold war” was contrived; and U.S. companies financially and industrially backed Adolph Hitler’s rise to power in Germany.  America profits from both sides of wars.  Young American army soldiers were dying for what?  Understanding these facts may provide Americans a better understanding of the pre-planned COVID-19 pandemic now underway.

Dr. Stan Monteith had occasion to interview British-American economist, historian and author Antony C. Sutton (1925-2002).

  • In 1972 the U.S. was in Vietnam and we were supplying the Soviets who were in turn supplying the North Vietnamese with trucks.

  • In 1933 U.S. industry and banking funded Hitler’s rise to power, which includes General Electric, Osram, Ford Motor, Standard Oil, the latter supplied tetraethyl to raise the octane level of gasoline essential for Germany’s aviation.

  • American corporations used subsidiaries to transfer technology, materials, before the Germans could manufacture these themselves. Germany did not have access to natural oil resources and used synthetics from coal, which came from the U.S.   G. Farben, a German company, obtained from Standard Oil technology to make explosives.

  • Saturation bombing targeted German industrial and electrical plants, but the U.S.-owned plants were not bombed.

Excerpted from here.

We have written more about this.

המנהג בימינו לבטל אמירת ברכת האורח

שו”ע אורח חיים ר”א א’:

גדול מברך, אפילו בא בסוף; ואם רצה ליתן רשות לקטן לברך, רשאי; והני מילי כשאין שם אורח, אבל אם יש שם אורח, הוא מברך אפילו אם בעל הבית גדול ממנו, כדי שיברך לבעל הבית. ומה ברכה מברכו, יהי רצון שלא יבוש ולא יכלם בעל הבית הזה לא בעולם הזה ולא בעולם הבא, ויצליח בכל נכסיו, ויהיו נכסיו מוצלחים וקרובים לעיר, ולא ישלוט שטן במעשי ידיו, ואל יזדקק לפניו שום דבר חטא והרהור עון מעתה ועד עולם. ואם בע”ה רוצה לוותר (פירוש שאינו רוצה להקפיד) על ברכתו, ולברך ברכת המזון בעצמו, רשאי: הגה – והוא הדין שיכול ליתן לברך למי שירצה (ב”י בשם אוהל מועד).

שם סעיף ג’:

מי שנותנים לו לברך ואינו מברך, מקצרים ימיו.

וצ”ע, הלא קידשו כ”כ ה”שלא לשמה”, ולא רק ל”נשים וקטנים” (רמב”ם הל’ תשובה י’ ה’). וכאן מפורש לגבי אריכות ימים, וכו’…