As Told Me by a Friend…

His wife worked as a sub-Ganenet for an important chain of schools for about four years. She worked in the same place since before they were married. She is Ashkenazi, as is her husband. They are both mainstream Litvish, Charedi.

Then one day, she mentioned something about his pension. From which they gathered he works, and not in Safrus or teaching, either, but in a factory.

So, the school now has a long list of demands placed upon his wife, including hours, teaching hilchos shabbos (to toddlers), and wearing a sheitel. (She has nothing against sheitels, but they are uncomfortable to wear for a long day with young children.)

Now, the “important” higher-ups all have smartphones (filtered?) and don’t always use clean language. My friend, on the other hand, does use clean language and does not own a smartphone. He also studies Gemara with a chavrusa daily (almost).

Ponder this.

AUDIO: What Private Police Would Look Like

Edward Stringham on Radically Rethinking Police

06/24/2017 Edward Stringham Jeff Deist

The US criminal justice system is hopelessly broken, riddled with bad incentives and bad actors. In the wake of recent police shootings, Dr. Ed Stringham joins Jeff Deist to help us understand how and why private security firms could create vastly better outcomes for crime victims, society, and even perpetrators. This is a fascinating discussion you won’t want to miss.

Recommended reading: Private Governance: Creating Order in Economic and Social Life

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