Rabbi Yitzchak Shlomo Zilberman’s View of ‘Dor Deah’

Someone asked the rabbi about using Mezuzos written by a Sofer Stam, Moshe Tzarum (משה צארום), who studied under Rabbi Yichya Kapach himself, and an avowed subscriber to the Dor Deah idea. Rabbi Zilberman responded there is no question of heresy in denying the Zohar. They themselves miss out, no more.

Rabbi Yehuda Epstein (editor of Kedushas Tzion) heard the above from a Jew he trusts and gave me permission to publicize this.

Corona: The Fascinating Story of Private, Charitable Home-Care

Enticing excerpts from Mishpacha Magazine:

The scene disclosed by an Israeli television report last week inside a Meah Shearim basement — the nerve center of a medical chesed network that has been providing home care for thousands of COVID patients over the last six months — stunned both health care professionals and the public. But the initial outrage over this medical “fifth column” notwithstanding, the public discovery has subsequently sparked a serious discussion about benefits of the home-care alternative to overcrowded, understaffed hospitals.

The subterranean storage room, home of the Chasdei Amram medical-supplies gemach, holds up to 220 oxygen machines that are loaned out to coronavirus patients for free, as well as dozens of oxygen saturation monitors and other medical equipment for the COVID-19 battle. Volunteers visit coronavirus patients in their homes several times a day, closely monitor their vitals, oxygen saturation levels, and other symptoms, and medical professionals who work with the organization decide when and if the patient should be transferred to a hospital.

Yitzchok Markowitz, founder and director of Chasdei Amram, is adamant that his program provides more hands-on treatment than the current medical establishment and lifts some of the burden off the health care system.

At least 170 people currently being treated by the volunteer network are in serious condition, and over 2,000 patients have received Chasdei Amram’s assistance over the past six months. Markowitz claims that only 10 to 15 of his patients have ended up in the hospitals, and only three out of several thousand have died.

The home-care phenomenon quickly spread beyond the insulated Meah Shearim community to other frum communities in Jerusalem and other cities, but volunteers are not discriminating — anyone who calls gets helped.

“We generally provide initial consultation, and we immediately send out the oxygen-saturation monitor and blood-pressure gauge,” Yitzchak Markowitz tells Mishpacha. “A doctor and a nurse come to their homes to take blood samples, and we transfer the samples to one of two recognized labs we work with.”

According to the strict definitions of Israeli health protocol, a patient with a saturation level of 93 or lower is considered to be in “serious” condition, so it’s safe to assume that this organization and others, such as Yad Sarah, working outside the established health system are caring for about one-fifth of the patients classified as seriously ill in Israel.

The lack of official virus figures in large swathes of the chareidi community make it difficult to draw statistical conclusions with regard to the clandestine chareidi home care network. But this trend, which Chasdei Amram was happy to finally make public, may actually upend existing systems and provide original thinking with regard to how this disease is being treated. Perhaps, as some officials have allowed themselves to wonder out loud, this model, with the proper oversight and direction, is a solution.

“The patients who ask us for help will do anything to stay out of the hospital, and these days it’s not about anti-Zionist ideologies,” he says. “No one in Israel wants to go to the hospital, to be dumped in a COVID ward. No one. Secular, religious, chareidim, more extreme sectors, none of them. I get phone calls now from secular people, asking me what to do to avoid hospitalization. People are frightened of being thrown into an overworked, understaffed ward, isolated from their families, alone and helpless.”

That said, Markowitz believes that patients are psychologically better equipped to fight when they’re home with family than when they’re isolated in a hospital coronavirus ward. In addition, many elderly COVID-19 patients suffer cognitive decline when out of their familiar surroundings, and especially if they find themselves surrounded by alien-looking workers in their PPEs, with no family close by.

“I would say that 70 percent of recovery depends on the patient’s mood,” he says. “When the patient is in good spirits, we see his saturation go up, along with his other indices. These are facts you can’t deny.”

The idea of home hospitalization didn’t start with an underground Meah Shearim gemach. Twenty-five years ago, Yad Sarah founder Rabbi Uri Lupolianski was awarded a special honor by the Health Ministry for creating a prototype for home hospitalization, a model that would greatly alleviate the burden on hospital wards, save thousands of dollars daily for insurance companies and state coffers, and increase the rate of healing and patients’ wellbeing; people have more fight and devotion to get healthy when they’re surrounded by the love and care of their families, as opposed to the confusion of an isolated, frightening ward, even with the best care.

But according to Yad Sarah’s director-general Moshe Cohen, all that remains of that forward-thinking program is a plaque on the wall. He says that 18,000 people have received home medical devices since the virus began, and very few of them were subsequently hospitalized. Without Yad Sarah’s home care, says Cohen, the health care system would be overwhelmed.

See the rest of the article here…

A Feel For Korbanos, Are They Coming Back?, & What the Achronim Pasken For Today?

Part One:

What is the underlying principle behind the Temple offerings? Who needs them and why? The Hebrew word korbanot, often translated as ‘offerings,’ or even the cringe-worthy ‘sacrifices,’ are best described as ‘spiritual connectors’ between man and G-d. What benefit do these spiritual connectors have for man? And why do they matter to G-d?

Part Two:

Will offerings be made in the future Holy Temple? The answer to the question, which many people ask is: Yes! Yes! and Yes! The Torah that Israel received at Sinai is eternal. The 613 commandments contained in Torah (of which over 200 pertain to the Holy Temple), are applicable forever. The bringing of offerings to the place of the altar on the Temple Mount was never abandoned by Israel, and throughout the 2000 years of exile many attempts were led by Israel’s top rabbinical scholars to reinstate the obligatory offerings.

Rabbi Abba also shares his thoughts on the Israel-United Arab Emirates agreement from the perspective of Jewish rights on the Temple Mount.

Part Three:

Almost immediately following the destruction of the Holy Temple in the year 70 CE, attempts were made to bring offerings on the Temple Mount, which can be done, even when the Holy Temple is not standing. In the centuries which followed, right up to modern times, great rabbis have attempted to renew the bringing of offerings on the Temple Mount. To do so is not only permissible, it is obligatory! Today, with a green light from the Israeli government, an altar, pre-built by the Temple Institute could be disassembled and reassembled in place on the Temple Mount within hours, and offerings could be brought the same day!

DID YOU KNOW ‘Lechi’ Tried to Assassinate U.S. President Harry Truman?!

This was before he massively supported the State of Israel, of course.

From The New York Times:

“The so-called Stern gang” of Zionist terrorists tried to assassinate President Truman by letter bomb in 1947, according to a new biography written by Mr. Truman’s daughter.

Mrs. Margaret Truman Daniel writes that “a number of cream colored envelopes, about eight by six inches, arrived in the White House, addressed to the President and various members of the staff.” They were found to contain “powdered gelignite, a pencil battery and a detonator rigged to explode the gelignite when the envelope was opened.”

But the White House mail room, alert to the danger of postal bombs, discovered the letters and had them defused by Secret Service bomb experts, Mrs. Daniel writes in her book, “Harry S. Truman,” which is being published by William Morrow & Co.

As far as could be immediately determined, Mrs. Daniel is the first member of the Truman White House circle to confirm that the letter-bombs arrived, although the report also appeared in a 1949 book, “‘Dear Mr. President . . .’ The Story of Fifty Years in the White House Mail Room,” by Ira R. T. Smith, with the collaboration of Joe Alex Morris.

In another note, written in March, 1948, Mr. Truman complained that “The State Dept. pulled the rug from under me” with a statement contrary to his own policy on the Palestine question. In the previous summer, Mrs. Daniel writes, the Stern gang, an ultramilitant zionist group, “tried to assassinate Dad by mail” by sending the cream-colored envelopes. She says that each contained a second, smaller envelope marked “Private and Confidential”—which in turn contained the explosive components.

She writes that the White House staff was alert to the danger because similar letters had been mailed to high officials in Britain and intercepted.

Mrs. Daniel does not say why the bombs were attributed to the Stern gang, but Mr. Smith, in his book, reported that the gang had claimed responsibility for having sent the letters to England from its “branch in Europe” and notes that, they were postmarked from Italy.

The gang was named for its original leader, Abraham Stern, who had been killed by the British in 1942.

According to press reports in 1947, the Stern gang’s claim was made in Jerusalem, and similar explosive envelopes had been found previously in Palestine.

The gang’s spokesman was quoted as having said shortly before that some of its major figures “might have left the country,” but he did not say why, although the implication seemed to be that they might have been involved in mailing the letters.

In Italy, the police said in June of 1947 that they had no clues as to who had sent the bombs, however.

I don’t intend to infer anything.