הרב ברנד: תקרובת ע”ז מעכבת הקרבת קרבנות

קורונה – תקרובת – קרבנות

מגפות רח”ל ● מגפה של עגל ● מגפה של פעור ● מגפה בסוף זמן דוד המלך ● הסיבות למגפות ● תקרובת עבודה זרה ● יסוד של איסור תקרובת, הוא סתירה להקרבת קרבנות ● חומר איסור תקרובת ● קרבנות ● עליה להר הבית ● סברת האוסרים ● תביעת בנין בית המקדש ● הקשרים בין הסיבות למגפות
18:45 (19/01/21) מכון בריתי יצחק ● הרב יצחק ברנד

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר בריתי יצחק – הרב ברנד, כאן.



Fascinating 3 Minutes: Protecting Property Rights

Stealing from the Poor to Give to the Rich: An Anti-Robin Hood Story

Jan 7, 2014

Free Market Economics: Stealing from the Poor to Give to the Rich: An Anti-Robin Hood Story presented by Learn Liberty. Learn More: https://www.learnliberty.org/​

Have you ever thought much about property rights? Many believe ownership protections primarily favor the wealthy, but it turns out that the wealthy and politically connected actually benefit more when ownership is vulnerable. Without strong property rights, those with the power are able to take property from those who lack such political connections. In places like Zimbabwe—where the government is able to confiscate profits, merchandise, and even businesses with ease—the lack of property protections has been one cause of the country’s decline. Today, Zimbabwe is the poorest country in the world, and eroded property rights are at least partially to blame. Prof. Dan Russell argues that “doing less to protect ownership turns out to be a really effective way to create poverty.” Perhaps property rights deserve protecting. Except, maybe, among Finnish race car drivers.


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From YouTube, here.

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Equifax Might Owe You $125 for Its Massive Data Breach. Here’s How to File a Claim


After the enormous 2017 data breach that revealed the private information of millions of people, credit bureau Equifax plans to pay millions to those affected.

The company recently settled to pay up to $700 million in restitution and fines to settle with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. $425 million will go to those who were affected by the breach, which exposed social security numbers of nearly 150 million people.

The website where those affected can file a claim is now live.

To find out if you were one of the people impacted by the breach, Equifax has set up a tool to check.

If you were affected, you’ll have access to free credit monitoring and identity theft protection for up to 10 years. If you don’t want the credit monitoring, you can simply get a $125 payment. Update: Given the large number of people who have requested a cash payment as of July 31, the FTC says recipients may get less money than they anticipated.

“The public response to the settlement has been overwhelming,” reads an update on the FTC’s website. “Millions of people have visited this site in just the first week. Because the total amount available for these alternative payments is $31 million, each person who takes the money option is going to get a very small amount. Nowhere near the $125 they could have gotten if there hadn’t been such an enormous number of claims filed.”

Anyone who had expenses as a result of the breach, such as losses, accountant fees or freezing a credit report, can get a payment of up to $20,000.

“This comprehensive settlement is a positive step for U.S. consumers and Equifax as we move forward from the 2017 cybersecurity incident and focus on our transformation investments in technology and security as a leading data, analytics, and technology company,” Equifax Chief Executive Officer, Mark W. Begor said in a statement about the settlement.

Equifax’s disclosure of the 2017 breach sparked off intense criticism as it came to light that the credit bureau knew about the hack almost five months before it initially claimed and three senior executives sold off almost $2 million of their shares in the company before it went public with the information.

From Time, here.

Chananya Weissman Psychoanalyzes the Corona Tyranny Toadies

A Short Thought and More Mask Police

I had another doozy of an experience earlier today. I davened mincha outside an actual shul, but I was on a park bench on the street, outside the shul limits. Someone approached me after davening, introduced himself, and asked me to wear a mask in the future, as that is the practice of the shul. I told him there is no such thing in halacha and I am not bound by it, plus I’m outside the shul area. He asked me to do it “out of respect” for the other people.
I told him to pretend I was beating my wife or abusing children and look the other way. That was not the answer he was expecting. He said even people who already had corona wear the mask out of respect and I can talk to the rabbi if I want. I told him I’m not a confrontational person, I’m minding my own business, and I’m happy to have a conversation with anyone, but I’m not going to wear a mask.
I also noted that there were about 20 people at the minyan, which is against the current arbitrary guidelines. Why is that? Do they only follow some guidelines and not others? “Yes!” he answered. I told him that obviously doesn’t make any sense. If anything, having more people there is a greater danger than having one person without a mask, so it’s really just about bullying and controlling people. I said the real reason this bothers him is because if more than 10 people daven there, it doesn’t make anyone look foolish, but if they’re wearing masks and I’m not playing along, it makes them all look foolish.
He suddenly found himself in a hurry to go somewhere and scurried off. Score one for sanity and the good guys.
