How To Get Free Publicity for Your Organization

Here is from Wikipedia:

Help a Reporter Out (HARO) is an online service for journalists to obtain feedback from the public. It enables journalists to connect with experts in issues relevant to their reporting. It was founded as a Facebook group in 2008 by Peter Shankman and was later turned into a mailing list claiming over 800,000 sources and 55,000 journalists and bloggers. In June 2010, HARO was acquired by Vocus, Inc. In 2014, Vocus merged with Cision Inc. and HARO is now one of Cision’s brands.

Help A Reporter Out gives users free and paid packages. The free package is where a user receives the HARO daily email and responds to reporters that have questions up and vice versa. HARO provides journalists with a database of sources for upcoming stories.

Here is their website.

Corona Vaccine Terror Sets a Precedent

Episode 392 – The Future of Vaccines

 • 12/23/2020

If the Gateses and the Faucis and the representatives of the international medical establishment get their way, life will not return to normal until the entire planet is vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. What many do not yet understand, however, is that the vaccines that are being developed for SARS-Cov-2 are unlike any vaccines that have ever been used on the human population before. And, as radically different as these vaccines appear, they represent only the very beginning of a complete transformation of vaccine technology that is currently taking place in research labs across the planet. This is a study of The Future of Vaccines.

Continue reading…

From The Corbett Report, here.

How To Survive the Platform Purges

Check out what is doing:

We want all of you, fans and supporters of the Mises Institute, to know we are well positioned to survive purges by platforms and hosts. Without giving too much detail, here are the basics:

  • We maintain and own (not rent) internal servers and backup servers, while also maintaining storage offshore;
  • We are moving to a very local internet service provider (ISP) with beefy broadband;
  • We have alternative domain registration providers in place to protect the use of;
  • We have “hot standby” sites in two foreign jurisdictions in case of a denial by our web host;
  • We have all video, audio, and graphic content housed on our backup servers in case of a denial by our cloud provider;
  • We sync and mirror all YouTube videos on alternative platforms, including Odysee (started by a Mises Institute fan);
  • We have registered the Mises Institute name with every new or alternative social media possible, with the expectation that Facebook and Twitter will remove us eventually. Fortunately, in one sense, only about 20 percent of our site traffic arrives via social media click-through (which is not the case for many newer sites). Also, less than half of traffic arrives via organic Google search. So while we would hate to lose views if Google “disappeared” our search results, enough people come to directly through their browsers or from subscription emails;
  • We have moved away from using shared internal Google docs;
  • We have moved toward encrypted email vendors;
  • We keep strict security over our donor database and back it up frequently using internal storage;
  • We moved our email/subscription lists to an alternative vendor after reading accounts of Mailchimp reviewing user content; and
  • We have taken steps to maintain alternative payment gateways and diversify our banking providers locally, nationally, and internationally.

As for Hyehudi, well, we have fewer visitors…

בראשית ברא אלקים צווי דינים

אמרתי לאחד שכפר במעשה בראשית (הכל אצלו חלות “דינים”) מכתובות י”ג ב’ “אף לזו יש עדים שהרי כריסה בין שיניה”. חזינן, שהמציאות לא גרע מדין עדות.

השביעני לענה, שגם הכרס דין עדות בלבד, וא”א לדמות מילי אחרינא לדוגמא של ר’ יהושע, ולא מפי המציאות אנו חיין.

אני חושש לענות עוד.

Reading Pesukim Over a Burn?

We once mentioned reading Birkas Kohanim three times as a Segulah for a burn.

I later found a source in the Chida (Avodat Hakodesh, Kaf Achat).

This is also quoted in Peleh Yoetz (ערך כוויה):

“ואגב אגיד לדור, שיש סגלה לכל מין כויה, לומר הנכוה או אחר יאמר עליו ברכת כהנים שלש פעמים בכונה, ויועיל, והוא בדוק ומנסה.”

But isn’t this a violation of “לוחש על המכה” (Y.D. 179)? Easy to make up answers (here it’s the merit of Torah learning, etc., but: וכי מפני שאנו מדמין נעשה מעשה?!)

Feel free to write in…