Politician = Successful Psychopath

Q: What’s the difference between a politician and a psychopath? A: None

Jason Bennetto Crime Correspondent

Tuesday 03 September 1996 23:02 BST


Politicians and stockbrokers share many of the same characteristics as criminal psychopaths. The only difference is that career high-flyers usually stay within the law. Some could be defined as “successful psychopaths”, according to Lisa Marshall, a psychologist at Glasgow’s Caledonian University.

In a three-year research project that involved interviewing 105 long- term offenders in Scottish prisons, she discovered that upbringing appeared to be an important factor in whether a child became a psychopath, as well as genetic make-up.

To discover which offenders were psychopaths she questioned them and compared their answers to a widely used list of 20 characteristics of a psychopath, the annual conference of the British Psychological Society’s criminological and legal division were told. To be considered a psychopath, they needed to display a number of the 20 core characteristics. Ms Marshall added that people in some high-powered careers, such as stockbroking and politics – she did not rule out journalists – had enough of the 20 characteristics to be defined as psychopathic.

She said: “Successful psychopaths included people with careers such as stockbrokers, where a lot of action was happening and where they had a lot of power. “They have to be quite cold and callous. You could say a politician. [They] might be in control and have power. They are risk-takers.They have the characteristics of psychopaths but without the criminal intent.”

She added that psychopaths made good fraudsters.

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From The Independent, here.