R’ Weissman’s Post Calling for Unity of the Charedi and Dati Communities Against the Erev Rav

I asked Perplexity to take R’ Weissman’s post and transform it into rhyme:

‘Divide et Impera’: Charedi and Dati

Oy vey, listen up, I’ll spin you a tale,

Of Eretz Yisroel, where two camps prevail.

Dati Leumi and Charedi, shtei derakhim,

Each with their own take on the Medina’s whims.


The Dati Leumi, they’re all about the state,

“Reishit tzmichat ge’ulatenu,” they celebrate.

Tzahal’s their pride, like avodas Hashem,

But oy, the Erev Rav treat them like shmattes, ahem.


Destroying yishuvim, calling them “mitnachalim,”

Still, they stay loyal, these ehrliche Yidden.

On Har HaBayit, they can’t even daven,

But they salute the flag, their emunah unshaken.


Now the Charedim, they’ve got a different view,

The Medina’s treif, not kosher, Nu nu.

They keep to their shtetlach, learning Torah all day,

For Moshiach they wait, that’s their derech, they say.


The army? Chas v’shalom! It’s a makom of tumah,

Better to stay in kollel, that’s their chochma.


The Erev Rav loves this machlokes, don’t you see?

Divide and conquer, it’s their strategy.

They push the Dati Leumi, who’ll come to their aid?

The Charedim? Fat chance, they’re too busy praying.


But here’s the emes, both sides have a point,

We need ahavat ha’aretz and Torah conjoined.

Hashem brought us back, even with Erev Rav rule,

To ignore this fact, oy, we’d be such a fool.


So listen, chevra, it’s time to unite,

Drop the labels, end this senseless fight.

We’re all Am Yisroel, that’s what matters most,

Let’s focus on that, and give the yetzer hara a roast.


When we finally get our act together, b’ezrat Hashem,

The Erev Rav won’t know what hit them.

And maybe, just maybe, we’ll see that great day,

When Moshiach comes, bimheirah b’yameinu, we pray.


So whether you’re in Bnei Brak or Gush Etzion,

Remember we’re one nation, from Dan to Tzion.

Let’s be mevatel our egos, and join hand in hand,

To bring true ge’ulah to our holy land.


Zeh hakol b’seder, it’s all part of the plan,

To make Eretz Yisroel a true Torah-true land.

So let’s say “Shema Yisroel” with one mighty voice,

And make achdut Yisroel our ultimate choice.

See the original here…