Rabbi Sholom Gold on God’s Wonderful Gift of Eretz Yisrael November 20, 2019 – כ״ב במרחשוון תש״פ by HyehudiIsrael Torah – Rabbi Shalom GoldNov 9, 2019From YouTube, here.Find the rest of the series here.Some other articles:Free Sample – Short, Down-to-Earth English Guide to Shalom Bayis for MenWarning: This Shiur May Inspire You to Make AliyahRabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, O.B.M. on the Hechsherim of His TimeThe Ineffable Love for Eretz YisraelRabbi Yisrael Salanter Defines ‘Talmid Chacham’Powered by YARPP.