Rabbi Yaakov Travis and Possible References to ‘Nibiru’

Planet X (Nibiru)

FEBRUARY 22, 2016 AT 3:31 PM

The connection between the planet Nibiru – also known as Planet X – and End of Days has been discussed with increasingly seriousness by a wide range of Jewish scholars.
The words of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, 2nd century sage and author of theZohar. “The task is to remain in emunah during this time. We’re going to see things happening that we don’t have any way of understanding. It’s going to be things that are beyond belief. It’s going to make the Exodus from Egypt look like nothing. Every day it’s going to be worse and we’re going to forget what it was like the day before. Whoever hasemunah at this time will merit to see the end.”

Sources from the Zohar (Translated)

Shemot 7a
A pillar of fire will be seen standing from above to below 40 days. All the nations will see it. At that time Melech Hamoshiach will awaken and go out from Gan Eden, from the place called Kan Tzippor, and will be revealed in the Galil. On that day that Moshiach goes out from there, the entire world will shake and all the world will hide themselves in caves and clefts in the rocks, and they won’t think to be saved. […] After 40 days that the pillar will stand from the earth to the heavens in the eyes of all the world the Moshiach will be revealed. A star will arise from the East side, flaming with all colors, and 7 other stars will go around this star and make a war with it on all sides 3 times a day for 70 days, and all the people of the world will see.
That same star will make war with them with blazes of fire and flaming and sparking on each side, and it will hit them until it swallows them each and every night, and then in the day it returns and expels them, and they make war in the eyes of the whole world.
After 70 days, that star will be concealed and Moshiach will be concealed for 12 months and the pillar of fire will return to the way it was before and in it Moshiach will be concealed and that pillar will not be seen.


Shemot 8a
One awesome star will awaken in the middle of the firmament like Argaman flaming and sparking in the day in the eyes of the whole world. A flame of fire will arise on the North side in the midst of the firmament and these will stand one opposed to the other for 40 days and the star and the flame will make war in the eyes of all, and the flame will spread out with a burning of fire amidst the rakia from the North side. Numerous rulers and kings and nations and peoples will be terrified of this. Then a star will arise from the South side and will take control of the flame and the flame will be consumed slowly in the firmament, in front of that star, until it won’t be seen at all. Then the star will paths in the firmament in 12 directions. These lights will stand in the firmament for 12 days. After 12 days all the people of the world will tremble and the sun will go dark for half a day, like it went dark on the day the Bais Hamikdash was destroyed, until the heavens and the earth won’t be seen.


Balak 212b
We have learned that in the future the Holy One will rebuild Yerushalyim and show one steady star, flashing with 70 pillars of fire, and with 70 sparks which illuminate (receive light) from it in the middle of the sky. There will be 70 other stars which are commanded and controlled from it, and they will illuminate and flame in the sky for 70 days.
On the 6th day, the 25th day of the 6th month, the star will appear. It will be gathered on the 7th day, at the end of 70 days. On the first day it will be seen in the city of Rome. On the same day, 3 supernal walls of that city of Rome will fall and a great heichal will fall. The ruler of that city will die. Then the star will spread out to be seen in the world. In that time strong wars [among the nations] will awaken in the world on all 4 sides and Emunah (Faith) will not be found among them.
In the middle of the world, when that star will shine in the middle of the sky, a great king will arise and rule the world, and his spirit will gain pride over all the kings and he will awaken a war on 2 sides, and he will become strong against them.
On the day that the star will be concealed, the Holy Land will quake 45 miles around the place of the Bais Hamikdash, and one cave under the ground will be revealed. From this cave will come out a strong fire to burn the world. From this cave a supernal branch will grow and it will rule over the whole world, and to it will be given the malchus. The supernal holy ones will gather to it. Then Moshiach will be revealed in the entire world and malchus will be given to him.


Vayera 119a
At 66 years Melech Hamoshiach will be revealed in the land of the Galil and when a star on the East side will swallow seven stars on the North side, and a flame of black fire will be hanging in the firmament 60 days, and wars will be awakened in the world on the North side, and two kings will fall in these wars, and the entire world will come together against Bas Yaakov [the Jewish nation] to push her from the world. Of this time it is written “and it is a time of trouble for Yaakov and from it he will be saved”. At that time all the souls in the treasury of souls [guf] will be finished and needing to return to be renewed, and the sign for you is all the souls that came to Yaakov from Mitzrayim, etc., 66 souls.
Terumah 172b
Then the 7th window will open in the entire world, and its star is “Kochav Yaakov”, and this is the one about which Bilaam said “a star shoots forth from Yaakov”, and this star will be luminous for 40 days and 40 nights. When Melech Hamoshiach will be revealed, and all the peoples of the world will be gathered to him, then the verse will be fulfilled which states (Yeshaya 11:10): “the root of Yishai, which stands as a banner for peoples, to him shall the nations inquire, and his peace shall be [with] honor.”
 Bible Codes expert Rabbi Mattiyahu Glazerson released two videos about Nibiru (Planet X)





Rabbi Daniel Travis – Mishlei Chapter 5 Verse 19 Planet X


From Atzmut, here.