Shofar Shape: Straight or Curved? August 25, 2023 – ח׳ באלול תשפ״ג by HyehudiThe Pareve Mesorah: Shofar Shaperabbi_ami_cohen@ou.orgShofar Shape: Straight or Curved? – presented by Rabbi Ami Cohen at the Harry H. Beren ASK OU Mesorah Conference II: The Pareve Mesorahs at Lander College for Men, Queens, NY, Feb. 19, 2006.From OU Torah, here.Some other articles:כיצד לשמוח בעבודה לפרנסהRabbi Kanievsky on Remembering the Beis Hamikdashמדוע מינה הרב אלישיב את הרב יונה מצגר לרה”ר?Gary North on the College RacketI Have a Dream…Powered by YARPP.