Strange Story About Rabbi Yechezkel Roth zatzal

Rav Roth, After Release from Hospital, is Mekadeish His Rebbetzin a Second Time

Excerpt from

Rav [Yechezkel] Roth, it has been explained, was acting based on the p’sak of the Terumas Hadeshen, who maintains that if a person hovers between life and death and falls unconscious, he should perform a second kiddushin with his wife after he has recovered.


  1. It’s “his” wife or not?
  2. Where is the Terumas Hadeshen?
  3. What if she said no? Isn’t it “Shavya anafshei chaticha de’issura”?
  4. Who says this story is accurate?
  5. Why only kiddushin?
  6. And why not other mitzvos?

UPDATE: The whole thing is fake.