- Fun fact: The best-selling author on home organization wrote the famous book (haven’t read it) before she had children. Marie Kondo says she has “kind of given up” on tidying at home now she has 3 children. Oh really?
- I just learned there are still-divorced women doing marriage consulting.
- A friend told me of a software teacher who can’t get a job in the field.
As George Bernard Shaw riffed on Artistotle, “Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach“. And there’s an addition (source unknown): “Those who can’t teach, teach teachers“.
As Rava comments in Yevamos 64b (great story):
ומי איכא דעביד עובדא בנפשיה כי האי?!
On a similar note, Nassim Taleb says that survival comes before truth, understanding, or science. This is because, while science is not required for survival, survival is required to do science. (Not fully sure what that means, but it sounds clever.)