The Decades-Long Gaslighting by the Evil Yated Ne’eman

The mendacity and hypocrisy of the cruel, grasping Charedi media\political class scream to the heavens.

Here’s one example by Mordechai Plaut in Yated Ne’eman (I believe it’s translated from the Hebrew Yated, not copied from the English Yated). Does the writer, Jerusalem-branch Degel Hatorah party leader Eliezer Rauchberger, have no shame?!

Here is a screenshot:

But they and theirs supported Oslo in its many components; they and theirs supported the Expulsion (“Disengagement“). I will never forget the many jeering articles in the party papers pre-Expulsion wherein the views of so-called “security experts” were repeated as fact, and cruel, self-serving, shortsighted “Daas Torah” proclaimed, devoid of actual Torah.

They sold their Jewish brothers for M-O-N-E-Y. And they have no problem gaslighting us as though none of this happened on their watch, with their votes for the State budget and the Expulsion “compensation” law, as though they had no part in the war crimes, in the Mesirah, in worsening the Arab war against the Jews! (Not to mention subsequent history with Aza.)

Soon, the predictable effects of the current “hostage deal/s” will stream in, and once again the party mouthpieces will quote those Jews who gave advance warning, as though the writers themselves are from Tibet.

As though the editors and politicians didn’t enable that, as well…