The Lying and Spying Is Far Worse: Not Just the FBI and Twitter…

Quoting Breitbart:

The CIA is referred to in the communications as “OGA,” which stands for “other government agency,” Taibbi explains, adding that the FBI and “OGA” were involved, not only with Twitter, but also with “virtually every major tech firm,” including “Facebook, Microsoft, Verizon, Reddit, even Pinterest, and many others,” as well as “industry players.”

Bullet points look better:

  • Facebook.
  • Microsoft.
  • Verizon.
  • Reddit.
  • Pinterest.
  • “Many others”.
  • “Industry players”.

“One of the most common forums was a regular meeting of the multi-agency Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF), attended by spates of executives, FBI personnel, and – nearly always – one or two attendees marked ‘OGA’,” Taibbi says. “The FITF meeting agendas virtually always included, at or near the beginning, an ‘OGA briefing,’ usually about foreign matters,” he adds.

“‘Other Government Agencies’ ended up sharing intelligence through the FBI and FITF not just with Twitter, but with Yahoo!, Twitch, Clouldfare, LinkedIn, even Wikimedia,” Taibbi says.

Bullet points look better:

  • Yahoo!.
  • Twitch.
  • Cloudflare.
  • LinkedIn.
  • Wikimedia.

“Especially as the election approached in 2020, the FITF/FBI overwhelmed Twitter with requests, sending lists of hundreds of problem accounts,” Taibbi reports. “There were so many government requests, Twitter employees had to improvise a system for prioritizing/triaging them,” he describes.

Of course, the very name includes the ironic accusation of so-called “foreign influence”; an assertion even the Twitter twits couldn’t validate.

And the FBI asked (at least) Twitter about “particular users”. (I guess NSA spooks were too busy turning on friends’ webcams to help the FBI out.)

Read the rest here…

This is really awful because the USG exceeds expectations. How can I be a “conspiracy theorist”, when it’s as bad as can be and all of it documented?!

Anyway, is “Israel” like this yet?

Still, it’s more about the principle of the thing than a personal threat for most, as we explain here.