Waiting to see you this Thursday evening in Yerushalayim!
6:30pm in Binyanei HaUma.
Admission Free • Light Refreshments • Women’s Section Open
Event is in Hebrew, but BE”H there will be English speakers, ohavei Eretz Yisrael, also in attendance.
What do we have this year?
• Presentation by R’ Yisrael Goldwasser – Holy Yerushalayim vs. Yerushalayim the Metropolis
• Short speech by respected Torah personality, and by Kedushas Tzion director Rabbi Yehuda Epstein
• Panel discussion – The Believing Jews’ Vision for the Future of Eretz Yisrael
Moderator: Adv. Yitzchak Sheinfeld
Panelists: MK Moshe Abutbul (Shas), MK Moshe Shimon Roth (Agudas Yisrael), Afula Vice-Mayor Rabbi Menachem Gold (Degel Hatorah), Herzliya Councilman R’ Elad Zadikov (Degel Hatorah)
• Naftali Kempe and Kappelle Choir – Songs of Yerushalayim, in commemoration of the miracles HaShem performed for us, His beloved nation, and for His Land, in the Six-Day War.
See you all!
The Hebrew flyer:

Selected pictures of the convention from two years ago:

Kedushas Tzion — A short introduction: