TOMORROW: Annual Kedushas Tzion Convention

Waiting to see you this Thursday evening in Yerushalayim!
6:30 pm at the Davidson Plaza, adjacent to the Kosel
(down on the right side immediately after entering through Sha’ar HaAshpot [Dung Gate]).
Admission Free  • Light Refreshments • Women’s Section Open
(two flyers below)
Event is in Hebrew, but BE”H there will be English speakers, ohavei Eretz Yisrael, also in attendance.
What do we have this year?
• Public thanksgiving to HaShem for the miracles of the Six Day War,
among all the great miracles He has done (and is doing!) for His Nation in His Land.
• Presentation  – Aliyah l’Regel as seen from historical artifacts (get into the Shavuos atmosphere…).
• Short speech by Kedushas Tzion director Rabbi Yehuda Epstein – Here is last year’s speech.
• Singing with Aharon Razel
• Sivuv She’arim – Circling of the Gates of the Har HaBayis (outside Har HaBayis), at the event’s conclusion.

See you all!

(Content from the latest Kedushas Tzion gilyonos, in blog format, can be seen here – Comments can be posted to articles. Site is still under construction, and older gilyonos are added with time.)