When Exactly Was Techeiles Lost? November 18, 2021 – י״ד בכסלו תשפ״ב by HyehudiParsha Talk – Teruma 5781 – 04 – How Tekhelet got LostMar 12, 2021Rabbi Avi Grossman interviews Dr. Baruch Sterman on Tekhelet.From YouTube, here.Some other articles:Offering Korban Pesach – Beyond Willpower, What Are Some PRACTICAL Obstacles?TOMORROW: Ascend the Temple Mount with Rabbi Avi Grossman and Yeshivat Har HabayitTecheiles Pride ParadeIdentifying the Chilazon by R’ Chaim E. Twerski‘The Fast of Tish’a B’av Is the Ultimate Self-Fulfilling Prophecy’Powered by YARPP.